View Full Version : holding on without much hope....

03-16-2012, 01:35 PM
well, I was able to put everything together, including a "sugar shack" (roof went on as the rain hit...) to make it happen this year. I put up around 125 gravity taps feeding into a 275 gal. tote next to the shack holding the True and Blanchard 2X4....as expected, a lot of tweaking but finally got everything working good this past week for the third run of sap (runs averaged around 60 gallons each).

Managed to make around 3 gallons so far with around 20 gallons left to finish tonite....dissapointed with volume but happy with progress on putting together a system and figuring out what works...and what doesn't.....

With temps in the 70's forecast for next 3 days and then maybe low 80's, I'm not hopeful but haven't pulled the taps yet.....there's always next year...

So, who has a smaller vacuum pump and releaser they are looking to move this year...?