View Full Version : My Woods Trees Flowered Today PICS

03-13-2012, 05:59 PM
Well the 2 Trees I tapped February 19th in my Backyard are still just red buds...


But the Woods Trees I tapped about a week and a Half ago the buds busted today:cry:


here's then one that Flowered...Not sure what kind it is...


I also tapped 2 Box Elder Maples a week and a half ago...
One isn't really giving much sap and the other is giving a little more but it smells "Nutty" to me and I keep dumping it...

It was fun and I have 44 gallons keeping cold to boil but it looks like that will be the last batch this year...

03-13-2012, 10:50 PM
I have tons of those "flowering" trees in my bush. I think they are the silvers. Mine started doing this yesterday.