View Full Version : Old collection Tank

03-12-2012, 02:18 PM
We bought a really old evaporator with the intentions of redoing it, but opted against it. We did get this cool sap storage tank that is rusted out in the corner bottom that my husband is going to repair. I would say it is 350 or so gallon tank and the top is enclosed but it has a funnel opening on the top with strain holes. Here is a photo of the writing on the side. Anyone have an idea of how old it is?


03-12-2012, 02:51 PM
Leader was in Burlington as far back as the mid to late 1800's. My dad, born in 1933 remembers them being around when he was young and this surfaced in some conversations he and I had when we considered sugarmaking in the 1990's before he passed away. I think the thing to do would be to find out when they moved to Swanton, if they're the same entity (Burlington Leader, Swanton Leader), and that can give you a range. I wonder how old it really is. Time to find an oldtimer...That's a neat piece of history.
Good luck

happy thoughts
03-12-2012, 05:44 PM
Neat find:) I can't help you date this but I found a Leader ad online from Enosburg Falls VT. In an 1895 edition of the "Vermont Dairymen's Report" it's described. Sounds like this was meant to be loaded on a horse pulled sled.

"Low Down Monitor Gathering Tank It is made of heavy galvanized iron. This tank is less liable to tip over and easier to empty into as it is only half as high as other styles. It is easier for the team as the load is more evenly balanced and nearer the sled. It has a concaved top partly covered so the sap runs to the center through two strainers and a large outlet so as to be quickly emptied. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale Don t buy any other and get left as you want the best Storage Tanks Tin and Galvanized Buckets Covers Spouts Etc We give a Positive Guarantee with All Our Goods."

If there's a Burlington Historical Society or Maple Assoc. they may be able to help you date this.