View Full Version : No buds yet, BUT....

03-12-2012, 07:03 AM
This season...<shaking head>..... I wasnt ready untill a week ago, but the temps were too cold then. I had good production over the weekend, but no freezing temps in the 10 day forecast. IM gonna let the vacuum pump run for a couple days I guess, and see what happens. If I stop getting sap, Ill shut it off and wait untill either the buds open, or we get another freeze. With 1250 taps, I could make a fair amount of syrup in an average season, but right now all I have is 45 gallons. IM in Kingsley, abuot 20 miles south of Traverse.

This is the worst season Ive ever seen. One year we only had 2 freeze/thaw cycles. It looks like maybe only one this year. ..and I bought a preheater, AND an RO this year. Bad decision for certain.