View Full Version : A different view on buckets vs lines for small ops

Lindsey Simanskas
03-11-2012, 10:10 PM
So my wife's first comment after collect sap with buckets for the first time and I quote "why would anyone not want to do buckets? It's like panning for gold and finding a little color in each bucket" Now i just can't argue with that.!

03-12-2012, 12:42 AM
All I can say is you better keep her!

03-13-2012, 09:47 PM
The year we put up 500 buckets, on the first trip gathering my wife said "So, when are we putting up tubing?"

Dave Puhl
03-13-2012, 09:53 PM
After washing a bunch of buckets and lids today I asked.... why dont I put up more tubing....I dont think I would want to carry any great amout of sap 200' through the mud ..or deep snow ...if you can drive close and collect is great....but if you have good slope use it to work for you...

03-14-2012, 12:34 PM
I like buckets - all 3 of them that we put on the tree near the front door of the sugar camp!

03-14-2012, 03:38 PM
If all you had to do was 60 buckets I could see being excited about it. That said I'm not giving up my tubing.

03-14-2012, 06:43 PM
My 7 year old has 10 buckets near the sugarhouse.........but he really wants pipeline and his own vacuum pump!

Michael Greer
03-14-2012, 07:26 PM
I put 185 buckets and it takes 1-1/2 hours to gather. They're all within sight of the house, on flat terrain, and in places where none of the neighbors would tolerate tubing anyway. I'll probably expand to 300 over the next year or two, and that's do-able. It's nice, quiet, pleasant work.

03-14-2012, 07:46 PM
In my opinion, there's nothing better than the sound of ping, ping, ping, in the middle of the woods. OK......well actually there are a couple things that are probably better than that.....but that's another forum altogether.

03-14-2012, 08:08 PM
I like buckets too! about 20 of them:)

Gary R
03-14-2012, 08:54 PM
I want to know what she says collecting them at the end of the season:)

Lindsey Simanskas
03-14-2012, 09:02 PM
Probably, dam I have to run into work for a few hours:lol:

Springfield Acer
03-14-2012, 09:10 PM
There's definitely something nostalgic about the buckets.......until it rains.