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03-11-2012, 08:03 PM
I think I remember reading that creek side silver maples don't run as well as field/forest trees. I've been searching for the post but can't seem to find it. So my question is: Is it true that creek side trees don't "put out" as much as others? If they don't does anyone know why? Thanks!

03-11-2012, 08:10 PM
Not sure on that... Someone said on here that what I thought were Sugar Maples are Silver Maples... Both are within 20 feet from a small creek and the flow pretty well...

03-12-2012, 09:54 PM
I can't speak for a creek but I once tapped a tiny 10" diameter (possibly even less, it was my first year) rock maple in a large puddle and two 22" diameter silver maples on dry ground just 50 feet or so away. That tiny rock maple gave me more syrup than the two silvers combined. And it was not watered down! I didn't measure Brix that year but by the ratio of sap/syrup I know it was at least 3%.

03-13-2012, 08:32 AM
If my numbers are right I averaged about 6gal sap per tap. I realize that sap quantity and quality (sugar percentage) will vary from tree to tree and year to year. From what I'm reading on the forum my average (sap per tap) is and has been in the past much lower than most others. Any ideas why? I use the 7/16 SS spiles with aluminum buckets. Most of the trees I tap are "creek side" silver maples. Thanks!

03-13-2012, 08:53 AM
I have many maples directly beside my creek and they produce sap just as good as any other of my trees. There is one tree that is right at creek side, leaning due to the creekbed washing away at its base, that tree is a real winner and really gives alot of sap.

Not sure if that helps.


03-13-2012, 12:51 PM
90% of my 75 trees are along a small creek/brook and we collected over 1000 gals of sap this year. However, the sugar content is always low ranging this year on average 1.3 and in most 1.5%. They are all sugar maples put pull a lot more water. They are close to home so no complaints and with an RO now it is not an issue.

03-15-2012, 10:32 AM
I tapped three silver maples yesterday in a very low wet area just for kicks. They did run (even tho the rock maples did not) was this a waste of time?