View Full Version : Is this bad, or what?

Klay Knoll Farm
03-11-2012, 08:01 AM
Started tapping March 3rd, finished March 6th. And to this date have only gathered 500 gallons. Hope today is going to be better. 23 degrees this morning, supposed to warm to 40's. Let's pray the Sap God is on our side!

03-11-2012, 08:22 AM
How many taps? Vac? I taped 625 the last week of feb, and run 26" of vac I got 700 gal from 2 runs squeezed it and boiled 4 1/2 hrs thursday night and drew off 10 gals. My bush is north facing in Sugar Hill, where's yours?

03-11-2012, 08:27 AM
Hey Brad,
Didn't see the link @ the bottom, Say hi to Joyce and the family


03-11-2012, 08:56 AM
I also started tapping in Mar 4 and finished on Mar 7 and only got 325 gallons of sap so far. Pan is sweetened but no take-offs yet. Should run good today & tonite/tomorrow as I think the trees are ready to run but 10-day looks dismal. Trying hard to be optimistic and hope the weathermen are wrong.

Klay Knoll Farm
03-15-2012, 06:24 AM
Hi George,
Sorry I did not get back to you. We were busy for a little while. Hope your season has gone well. As you probably know, ours is bleak. The only good part is I have all the grandchildren coming up the first of April. Hope your family is doing well.

Take care,

03-15-2012, 07:10 AM
I will still do okay as long as I can charge $200 per gallon. Looks like about 25% crop for me. Wondering whether to just pull taps or suffer through the heat wave to make bud run? I suppose in hindsight, I could have tapped in Mid-feb but those who did in my area basically only sweetened their pans by the time my taps were all in on Mar 6.

03-15-2012, 07:25 AM
I hope my north facing bush will work in my favor. Have been hauling sap and boiling the last 2 days but thats going to end today I think. The vac has paid for its self again this year. At about 2/5 ths last of years crop and more than I made in 2010 but I had 280 more taps this year. We may hear the peepers here before too long.