View Full Version : The last hurrah already!!!!

red maples
03-11-2012, 06:15 AM
Well looks like this will be the last of the season coming up in the next 2-3 days. Weather report has held pretty steady of not being in my favor. with no freeze tonight coming and 40's /60's don't work for maple....

thinking about tapping a few birches and making a few gallons of birch syrup already got a buyer for at least one gallon and he said he would would pay the going rate (what ever that is I have to see yet) I think its quite expense from I have read about it al ready and if its still running possibly boil Birch sap for maple weekend. Any how...even though it take a ton of sap to get 1 gallon thats OK I have heard it cleans the pans up really well, so at the very least I will get some nice clean pans out of it.

maple flats
03-11-2012, 06:40 AM
I'm afraid it look like the end this week for me too, in central NY. I sure hope the forecast changes before the buds open and it freezes to slow them down before it's too late. Right now I'm only at about 30% of normal targeted total. That will get better the next 2-3 days when it will run all night until the end.

red maples
03-11-2012, 08:02 AM
yes true I was really hoping for 75 gallons this year, but will hopefully at least hit 40 gallons before it really quits. the red buds haven't even swelled here yet!!!! I am sure they will this week!!!!

BC Birch Tapper
03-11-2012, 01:33 PM
Keep us posted on how it works out. It does go for quite a $$, but behave quite differently than maple. Ther are quite a few previous posts on the topic. Good luck with the birch tapping

03-14-2012, 08:55 PM
We tapped 16 birch trees 2 years ago and made 6 gallons of syrup. We did not find that it cleaned the pans. The syrup is NOT anything like maple. The syrup we made we "thought" ended up bad so we threw it out. We then purchased some syrup from an actual birch producer. The syrup we threw out tasted just like syrup we purchased. If you like MOXIE you may like birch syrup however my brother likes MOXIE and finds the birch syrup to bitter. All of this said, people do buy, like, and use this syrup. The going price is about $120 per gallon so it can be quite profitable. If I decide to do it again I will RO the sap to at least 6% and see if it is more palatable. THE BIRCH SEASON HAS ALREADY STARTED so you have about 2-3 weeks left.