View Full Version : 3rd Batch Boiling Now...Looks to be Darker...

03-10-2012, 05:14 PM
Still have 6 gallons of the 41 gallons left to add and she's looking Kinda Darker this time...


03-10-2012, 05:26 PM
Pretty normal as the season wears on. I was afraid the batch I finished off today was gonna be real dark because of slightly cloudy sap I boiled last night. I had to keep it in warmer than I wanted conditions for much of the week, even resorting to giant sap cubes I made in the freezer. As I was boiling outside last night well after dark it was looking quite dark, even with the lights I had set up. I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't nearly as dark as I thought it might be after it was in bottles.

I made a short video last night just before dark (sorry for quality, it was with my phone) between the many mini snowstorms we had roll through.


03-10-2012, 07:35 PM
This one is getting really dark...wow!

Cool Video!