View Full Version : When do sugar maples run?

03-10-2012, 04:37 PM
When do sugar maples start running? I would have thought they would have ran today since it was in the mid 50s and no wind and all sun but seen nothing in the buckets.

happy thoughts
03-10-2012, 05:41 PM
Have you had a good hard freeze lately? For sap to flow you need both a period of freezing temps that alternate with temps above freezing to prime the sap pump and keep it flowing.

03-10-2012, 06:40 PM
Thur. and Friday didnt reach thawing during the day with friday morning got to -3 and now we had mid 50's today, tonight mid 20's and tomorrows upper 40's.

sugar ED
03-10-2012, 10:14 PM
Thur. and Friday didnt reach thawing during the day with friday morning got to -3 and now we had mid 50's today, tonight mid 20's and tomorrows upper 40's.
Hi tonka, next question is how long have you had your trees taped ? maybe thay dryed up/healed and sealed for the year? This has been a bad season for maple syrup -I'm getting great light syrup! but at about 50 to 60 gals sap to 1 gal syrup ! sugar content is low, and my silvers seem to be getting ready to bud ,sugar's and norway's still look good to go! but with the weather report here who knows for how long ?maybe done after monday :-( What a year ! two days of frezzing temps (enough to frezz the lines) and than 50 to 60 temps for two days/nights 45 temps (one just to get unfrozzen ) pails seem to be the best for this season unless you got vac ! Fingers crossed for a few more good days runs ! if not than we'll enjoy what we got and the fun we had !!!

03-11-2012, 01:08 AM
I have considered the holes drying/healing up but I had my trees tapped no more then 3 days before we had a day where I thought the sap would be running. This after noon I was out making sure buckets where all up-right and took a look at the buds and noticed they havent done anything yet so im thinking im not be patiant enough for the trees. Its been a long wait since last season with new perchases made that I would like to try and make some of the $$$ back. Thanks to all with your input/suggestions, I have alot more to learn about all this stuff! (which I like)