View Full Version : Newbie

03-08-2012, 10:45 AM

Iam very new to all this. I was wondering? I have 15 taps out. I collected last night and got 24 gallons. They have been out since Sunday. Is that good ?

Sorry for such a dumb question??

03-08-2012, 11:39 AM
Not a dumb? Seems like you picked the perfect trees, the output from the trees will vary from day to day, based upon the days temperature and other weather factors.

Besure to store the sap in cool place before you boil it down.

03-08-2012, 12:54 PM
Not dumb at all to ask. We have only had three runs to date, yesterday was in the high fifties and we only collected forty gallons, was planning on a lot more, we started with only fifty taps and that was in 2001 and since have gone up to 250 with 89 of those on gravity feed tube. Once your hooked you are hooked. We have four big old Maples and they are the best producers, we call them our stud trees! Keep going and have fun!:cool:

03-08-2012, 01:15 PM
sound good for this season so far. If they are decent maples with big crowns and lots of sun, you should get 24 gallons of sap from 15 taps in a single day.