View Full Version : Just KILLING me !!!

03-08-2012, 08:36 AM
I need therapy !!

Our famiy arrived in Orlando FL. yestserday for vacation and here I am at Maple Trader and also watching my local weather.

In my absence yesterday, sap ran great for the first time and I missed it.

I am supposed to be enjoing it here instead of counting the days til I get back home.

Are the any comforting words out there ??

Good luck to all who are boiling.


03-08-2012, 08:43 AM
In Michigan it's going below freezing tonight and every night til Sunday I think...

happy thoughts
03-08-2012, 08:45 AM
Go find Snow White and Mickey. Now.

Your sap won't miss you as much as your family will and you can't put the memories you missed in a bottle for tasting later.

Now go out and have some fun and don't forget the sunscreen:cool:

mike z
03-09-2012, 07:22 PM
I agree with Happy thoughts' happy thoughts. It's not running well in northern WI. The season should be just starting, and the forecast calls for a week of 60 degree temps. I think you're in the right spot.