03-07-2012, 07:49 PM
This morning I collected the following:
15 gallons from the silvers @ 1.6%
45 gallons from the buckets @ 2.6%
160 gallons from the main bush @ 2.3%
45 gallons from the secondary bush @ 2.5%
Six hours into the boil it became painfully obvious I wasn’t going to get the amount of syrup I expected from this run. I did not test the content once all of the collections were mixed in the holding tank, just figured I have something over 2% and set about boiling. With this amount of sap at roughly 2%, I expected something near 5 gallons. At the six hour point, or nearly 180 gallons processed, I had less than 3. I tested the sap in the feeder tank at 1.5%, which explained why I wasn’t getting syrup. I wound up with 3.25 gallons.
What happened??
Some background:
I finished off all the sap at the last boil, cleaned both the feed tank and the holding tank. It is almost impossible to completely drain the holding tank, but there was no more than a cup or two of clean water in it and I used only hot water to clean them.
The feed tank is set up high inside the shack, todays temps hit 60 and it was a literal sauna inside the shack, but the sap felt cool, even at the last, 45 to 50 as a guess.
The wood and metal above the feed tank were dry, no condensation dripping into it.
Double checked the cal on my refractometer, dead on 0 with distilled water.
I’m at a loss to explain this.
Any thoughts?
15 gallons from the silvers @ 1.6%
45 gallons from the buckets @ 2.6%
160 gallons from the main bush @ 2.3%
45 gallons from the secondary bush @ 2.5%
Six hours into the boil it became painfully obvious I wasn’t going to get the amount of syrup I expected from this run. I did not test the content once all of the collections were mixed in the holding tank, just figured I have something over 2% and set about boiling. With this amount of sap at roughly 2%, I expected something near 5 gallons. At the six hour point, or nearly 180 gallons processed, I had less than 3. I tested the sap in the feeder tank at 1.5%, which explained why I wasn’t getting syrup. I wound up with 3.25 gallons.
What happened??
Some background:
I finished off all the sap at the last boil, cleaned both the feed tank and the holding tank. It is almost impossible to completely drain the holding tank, but there was no more than a cup or two of clean water in it and I used only hot water to clean them.
The feed tank is set up high inside the shack, todays temps hit 60 and it was a literal sauna inside the shack, but the sap felt cool, even at the last, 45 to 50 as a guess.
The wood and metal above the feed tank were dry, no condensation dripping into it.
Double checked the cal on my refractometer, dead on 0 with distilled water.
I’m at a loss to explain this.
Any thoughts?