View Full Version : Feed Pump Didn't Start

Amber Gold
03-06-2012, 10:59 AM
Had an issue with my feed pump over the weekend. I pulled the RO out of the closet to pull the membranes. I put it back in and the feed pump wouldn't kick on. After much deliberation, consultation, and swearing, I've determined there's something wrong w/ the feed pump motor. I had power going to the motor, the capacitor works (pump's currently running), but during the deliberation process, I pulled the RO back out and it worked, pushed it back in and it didn't work, pulled it back out and it didn't work, pushed it back in and it worked and is staying there until I determine a permanent solution to the issue. Since it seems to work/not work after it's been moved around, I figure there's a loose wire inside the feed pump motor, or the motor's heading south. Do you agree? I pulled the back cover off and the connections to the motor are all fine, IMO. How do I find/determine if there's a loose connection inside the motor itself? BTW, I turned the motor over by hand to see if it'd start on a different winding and it didn't work. How do I determine if the motor's faulty?

For more information, I have the RO running on a 30 amp breaker and the RO's rated for 26 nominal amps. Up until this season, the RO has never tripped a breaker. This year, I've had episodes where it'd trip the breaker 2-3 times over the course of an hour, then run fine the remainder of the night. Feeling the breaker and wires in the panel after it trips and they are hot. The RO hasn't tripped a breaker in the past 3 times or so that I've used it. Is this a sign a motor's failing and drawing more amperage than it's rated for? I'm guessing if so, it's likely the feed pump motor.

Also, this is a 3/4hp Franklin Electric motor. If the motor's failing, can I replace just the motor and is the motor a standard item I can buy from Grainger?

Thanks for your help.

03-06-2012, 11:04 AM
Sounds like a lose connection some were to me. Keith

Amber Gold
03-12-2012, 12:11 PM
Figured it out. Loose wire in the plug where I plug the RO into the wall...thought for sure it was the feed pump. It was connecting enough to get some juice through it, but the other wire had to overcompensate and would overheat and trip the breaker. All good now and glad to find a fix that didn't cost me anything.