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View Full Version : Tapping error...

03-05-2012, 10:30 PM
This year is my first attempt at making syrup. I am starting with only a few trees this year to see how it goes. So far not so good.

I am using "Sap Saks" with 5/16" spiles. Today I drilled my first hole, and I realized that the shape of the trunk in the spot I drilled , did not allow the spile to stick out far enough to hook the sack holder on. So I pulled it out and drilled a new hole about 8" away, in a better spot, which will not interfere with the sack holder. Do I need to do anything to the first hole I drilled? Is there something to seal the hole, or is it best left alone to heal itself. Is it bad to have 2 holes so close together dripping sap, the tree is approx 12" in diameter?

Thanks for your expert help.


03-05-2012, 10:33 PM
not much you can do about the other hole except try to collect the sap.

maybe buy a 5/16 tap (for 5/16 tubing) and run a short piece of tubing into a bucket on the ground.

03-05-2012, 10:44 PM
Thanks, great suggestion! I didn't think about using a tube, I was more concerned about too many holes in the tree. But I suppose since the damage is done I should try not to waste the sap. Thanks again

03-06-2012, 05:53 AM
you might even be able to buy a dropline (a spout w/ 2' length of 5/16 tubing attached) so you don't have to buy a whole 500' roll of tubing.

03-06-2012, 02:14 PM
I'm sure any local producer would give you a spout and a foot of tubing, or sell it to you for a buck. If you're concerned about overtapping from this second hole, cut a "plug" from a piece of green twig and use it to plug the tube and install this "plugged" tap into the hole you would like to shut down.