View Full Version : light syrup

03-05-2012, 04:43 PM
Im a hobby producer(made 20 gal so far) half way to my goal.I have only made 5 gallons of medium amber everything else has been light/fancy amber syrup but with a flavor more associated with the darker grades.....i really feel its the best syrup ive made in 20+ years of boiling.most of my trees are large crowned roadside or hedgerow trees.im located in northern broome co.just wondering how everyone else is makeing out?? allso ive been running rite at a 2%average

03-05-2012, 04:59 PM
Started light and is getting darker. Last run was dark amber. Light/fancy with the taste of darker sounds really good!

03-06-2012, 08:55 PM
this is my first year doing maple syrup and ive started tapping since February 5 and have made about 27 gallons of syrup....all light fancy and has not turned yet...when will it turn and with this warm weather wont it make the buds come out?