View Full Version : Price of Sap

03-05-2012, 01:46 PM
How is sap sold? by the gallon? and what is a fair price?

I might be interested in buing around several hundred gallons of sap. It will be used in demo to show how to taditional boil sap into sugar and syrup. I only have very limited access to maple tree's to tap.

I am located in NW part of SAWYER County WI.

Thank you for your comments.

03-05-2012, 04:01 PM
from what ive been told $0.25 a gallon it seems fair to me

03-06-2012, 07:04 PM
Sap is sold by the gallon and within that by sugar content. I can not find the 2010 Marathon CtyWI prices - they were posted on Mapetrader last spring, but if memory serves 2% last year went for $.285/gallon; 2.5% was right at $.300; when you get over 4% the price is pushing 55 cents/gallon. Makes sense - you have to boil off twice as much water if you are starting with 2% than if you get sap that is over 4. I have bought and sold sap over time. The best and fairest all the way around is to get it sold, delivered to the sugarhouse and boiled in the same day you collect it. I had a couple guys try to sell me 3 and 4 day old sap last year - it looked like skim milk in the test cup. That got dumped ASAP