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View Full Version : sugar shack size

03-05-2012, 12:26 PM
I am just getting started boiling sap.
last year i made 4 gallons on a homemade barrel evaporator outside
I am currently setting up a cut up wood stove with two restaurant pans
next year I am hoping to expand the cut up the wood stove by at least another two restaurant pans a little more
eventually I would like to get a nice 2*6 - 2*8 So my question is how big do I want my sugar shack

03-05-2012, 12:59 PM
10' x 12' minimum for a 2x6

10' x 14' min for a 2x8

12'x16' would be better

03-06-2012, 10:07 AM
Im boiling in a 12x16 with a 18x32 and its way to small

03-06-2012, 10:46 AM
Have a 8x11 shack with 2x5 going in it and it is TIGHT !!! Go way bigger than you think you need or build it so it's easy to expand. For my setup I would love that 10x14 shack and for a 2x8 I would go 10x16 at least. That does not count the side sheds for wood !

03-06-2012, 10:57 AM
I boil on a 2x6 in a 8x 16 SS. If I rebuild it will be a 16x24 minamum. Then I would put a 10x24 roof off the side for firewood and storage. Also to be used for future expansions as we all know that will happen RO, Extra storage tanks and so on. Keith

03-06-2012, 11:53 AM
We boil on a home made 2x5 and will likely buy a 2x6 soon. We're planning a 16x24 sugar house.