View Full Version : Republican article

03-05-2012, 12:19 PM
I saw an article on Mass Live (The Republican newspaper) site about the opening of the Massachusetts maple season and I thought I would post a link here (even though I'm just across the line in Connecticut).


I smiled because the president of your association said that this year was the earliest that people had started in 40 years. Seems like folks through out a number like that in any unusual year. 2002 was much milder and I seem to recall tapping earlier that year than I did this year and I'm sure I wasn't alone! That was only 10 years ago!

03-12-2012, 08:57 PM
I am sure he means that some tapped as early as January...Ed knows his stuff....been sugaring for a long time...don't forget the paper will always print what they want. I have been mis quoted in the paper many times...sometimes its embarrasing.

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