View Full Version : adding dividers to a flat pan

03-23-2006, 05:17 PM
I have a 30 x 40 inch flat pan that is 8 inches tall and has no dividers in it. I use an oil burner from my old hot water heater to fire it. The fire shoots length wise across the pan. I would like to add dividers but I am not sure what the best design is. I thought I would add two running length wise down the pan but am unsure of a few things. First the height, I thought maybe about 4 inches seemed right, is it? Second, should I run them the full length and sealed solid all the way? Or should I leave a space at alternate ends. Or is it best to weld both ends in and leave gaps along the bottom? Once this is all installed do I still want the pan as level as possible or should I put a slight pitch towards the finishing side? Finally with my setup, is lengthwise the best or should I weld them across the pan instead. Hopefully I am not aksing too many questions and I appreciate the time anyone takes to answer them.

03-23-2006, 07:32 PM
I think it would be better to make your dividers about 6 inches. That would still leave room for boil over between dividers instead of out of the pan, but still give you room for the foam to rise so you can knock it back with a defoamer before it mixes with the other bays.
I don't think it would really matter wich direction you run your dividers, just be sure you draw off at the farthest point from where you ru fresh sap in. You will need to leave an opening on opposite ends so the sap can flow freelly from one chanel to the next. you can do this by only running your divivders part way or you can run them all the way at the top leave them open at the bottom. Try to get a look at a manufactured pan, it will give you some ideas.
You should always have your pan as level as you can get it. If it isn't level then you may boil dry in the high sposts and you shore don't want that.

03-23-2006, 08:55 PM
Definately make the dividers more than 4" like Ron said 6" is probably good. I'd say even 6.5" Basicly you want to keep the syrup from boiling over into the other sections. So go as high as possible and still keep the perimeter higher so it doesn't boil over the sides. If you are getting a good boil evenly across your pan then I'd say the dividers wouldn't make any difference which way they go.
Otherwise you may want to align them so that you get a good cross section of your heat.

03-23-2006, 08:58 PM
thanks so much. There are some other sugarhouses nearby and I will go get a good look at their pans.