View Full Version : Use of slightly rusted buckets
03-04-2012, 11:38 AM
I have some buckets that were given to me that have a little bit of rust. Are these okay to use or does it affect the sap? Any help is appreciated....
03-04-2012, 11:46 AM
I wouldn't use them.
We use these bucket liners in old/questionable buckets:
happy thoughts
03-04-2012, 11:49 AM
I wouldn't. Any corrosion would bother me. You might get a metallic taste or worse- lead contamination if the buckets are really old.
I'm sure they make liners of some sort that shouldn't be too expensive. If they do, someone will eventually be around to tell you where to look.
03-21-2012, 07:27 AM
Liners are probably the best idea, but couldn't one scotchbrite the corrosion and perhaps coat them with something food friendly? I bought some used buckets off of a large outfitt and they had painted the inside bottom with something. I'll have to go back and ask what they used.
03-22-2012, 02:00 PM
One tip I saw for leaking buckets was to use sealing wax, melt, swish in bottom and it coats it. Not a perfect solution and liners likely are better, but it does work for leaks can't see why it would not work for rust too.
03-24-2012, 09:18 PM
They are perfectly fine to use..just so its surface rust and not pitted real bad
maple maniac65
03-25-2012, 06:29 AM
I have some buckets that were given to me that have a little bit of rust. Are these okay to use or does it affect the sap? Any help is appreciated....
Are they made of English Tin?? If so they will always rust. By todays standards i would not use them, 20 years ago nobody worried about a little rust. Are you selling your syrup or just making it for yourself? Leaving the sapto dry on a bucket during the off seasson will stop some of the rust on a bucket. But do not stack them until completly dry or they will not come apart easily.
02-21-2013, 09:18 AM
Is this 18 X 24" a good size to use as a bucket liner? Uline has many, many sizes available. I have some metal buckets that will hold 3 gallons, some 2 1/2 gal. Anyone else use food grade bucket liners? Any advice before I order would be welcome. Thanks.
I wouldn't use them.
We use these bucket liners in old/questionable buckets:
backyard sugaring
02-21-2013, 04:14 PM
I have big maples in front of my farmhouse I like the look of the old buckets. I hang the buckets and then I put a liner inside at .35 each. That way I get the best of both worlds. Food grade, and nice looking buckets on the maples. Good luck this year. Lee
02-21-2013, 04:18 PM
A little rust is not going to hurt you. Just clean a little with a scotch pad and your GTG!!
02-21-2013, 04:50 PM
for a couple bucks max for a good used bucket, it's hardly worth the consideration. My opinion.
02-21-2013, 05:15 PM
A little rust is not going to hurt you. Just clean a little with a scotch pad and your GTG!!
Would you like to be served water in a restaurant with a corroded galvanized bucket ? come on, it is food!
02-21-2013, 07:17 PM
No its sap!
I say again its sap that is collected in the gal buckets just as it has been for generations. :)
No probly not water at a restaurant but I will gladly eat pue maple syrup produced from pure maple sap collected in gal buckets. Just as I will gladly drink me some fresh cider made from apples pick up off the ground, collected in orange buckets and hauled to the press in the back of a pick-up.
02-21-2013, 07:45 PM
The very fact that the question was asked means you have some doubt, be safe use liners. If you can buy other buckets look for aluminum and you will not have to worry about this. I have about 40 galv. Buckets that are going to be used for decorations or sell to craft vendors. Please listen to the ones on here that voice common sense not the ones that are antagonistic about the food grade subject.
We used to use a lot of products made from or containing asbestos, we learned how dangerous it is and it was discontinued, some of the so called logic on here would have you believe that it is still ok to use asbestos products because we once did. Just one of many products that were used and found to be unsafe and discontinued, I like the nostalgic look of old galv buckets just as much or more than most but if they are rusty and potentially unsafe they should not be used, end of story. Why chance it??
02-21-2013, 07:48 PM
I have to agree with 325abn. it's sap. I don't think a little bit of rust will hurt anything. I'm sure everyone here has consumed things plenty worse over the years. Imagine some of the equiptment used by our parents and grandparents, it was most likely old,rusty and lead laiden. If your not selling the sap/syrup and its for your personal use then by all means, use the buckets.
02-21-2013, 07:55 PM
"Please listen to the ones on here that voice common sense not the ones that are antagonistic about the food grade subject. "
Interesting statment there Bowtie. If one does not share your opinion you accuse them of lacking common sense and being antagonistic? Really? Care to elaborate? Maybe start another thread so as not to hijack this one any further. Just saying. :)
02-21-2013, 07:56 PM
The only difference is that you concentrate with sap. Have a good drink... i prefer Qc clean Syrup than your "good old time syrup"...
Oh and as some refer, the lastests generations have the most Cancer ever. remember those litlte things dont harm you right now, it will make you sick when you retired, and hope to have time to do sugaring...
Not to stir the pot on the asbestos analogy, but the use of asbestos in products other than than sprayed on aplications has not taken place in the United States. Patty Murray D Washington introduced legislation many years ago to ban asbestos use but it stalled in commitee. So you can still buy it in many products look at your msds's and in products manufactured overseas. The manufacturing of asbestos containing materials in the u.s. has become almost nonexistent due to OSHA regs. I personally use galvanized buckets but not ones that have rust in them.
02-22-2013, 08:11 AM
not just just my opinion but that of many experts who have more knowledge on the subject than myself and i'm guessing you also. if you are just trying to stir the pot that is fine but you have to expect strong reactions to your comments. it is clearly stated that containments in sap are concentrated when the boiling process takes place, so what can seem to be a small amount intially will greatly increase in ppm in the finished product. i am not going to get in a personal feud with any because it is pointless but just look at it from a person on the outside of the conversation, what do you think they would say looking at sap in rusty buckets?? remember this is about maple products not what other food industries.
i know they still use abestos coatings but not in brake pads,insulation, siding etc, items that are prone to be disturbed and releasie asbestos fibers in the air. just trying to make apoint that just because something was deemed acceptable at one time does not mean it will always be so. many, many analogies, cocaine was once an ingrediant in coca-cola would you let your kids drink it if it was still was? there are many products that the fda deems suitable for food use that are banned in europe, so do we really want them to regulate the maple industry even more. sometimes you have to put aside personal gain and look for the greater good.
we can agree to disagree on the subject of food-grade materials but in the end when the fda takes over all small producers are going to lose. more regulation means more taxes and higher costs.
02-22-2013, 08:22 AM
Anyone have the answer on the Uline liner size ? I have some older buckets that I was going to do the wax trick with. Liners would be a better option if I can find the right size.
On scrubbing the old buckets ... if you were thinking to do it , I would not since you are just loosening not only the rust, but if they were lead soldered you are explosing the lead.
Sealing them or lining is my vote.
Those that say get rid of them understand that buckets are not cheap, and with a liner/seal they can be used for a long time.
Looking forward to hearing the pinging song of buckets in my woods soon :D
02-22-2013, 08:56 AM
Strong reactions are one thing personal attacks are quite another. When one resorts to personal attacks it usally means that that person does not have a legit argument to the debated subject. :)
happy thoughts
02-22-2013, 08:57 AM
Anyone have the answer on the Uline liner size ? I have some older buckets that I was going to do the wax trick with. Liners would be a better option if I can find the right size
I remembered this old thread from a few years ago. It's the same old same old discussion but toward the end of the thread the 18x24 2mil Uline bags were tried and found to fit most buckets. A few sizes they fit are given. Some other bag sizes are suggested including thicker 2 gallon ziplock freezer bags which you can buy anywhere.
It also appears Uline was willing to send a sample or two to try for yourself before ordering. If you're going to order a roll it might be worth calling first.
happy thoughts
02-22-2013, 09:13 AM
Strong reactions are one thing personal attacks are quite another. When one resorts to personal attacks it usally means that that person does not have a legit argument to the debated subject. :)
This is another hot button area just like food grade plastic. The nervous tic starts as soon as I see these threads appearing:o You are right that personal attacks are unwarranted but we should all try not to take anything personally when people are so passionate about a position. A lot of folks need to be passionate here because at least part of their livelihood depends on syrup and consumer confidence is everything.
That said, we are all free to make our own choices but if you want a legitimate argument then I'll give you this from Bulletin #7038, "Maple Syrup Quality Control Manual" put out by the University of Maine Ag extension.
"Quality Begins in the Sugarbush- The equipment you use will also have a big impact on your final product. Don’t use rusty or corroded spouts, buckets, or other maple utensils. Otherwise you may find toxic metals and metallic off-flavors in your syrup."
There is also this on lead contamination from UVM
Your choice abn but if you decide to go with rusty buckets at least spend a little extra time and money on filtering :).
All the best and good luck this season!
02-22-2013, 09:20 AM
Sorry to stir the pot (or bucket) on this subject. All I asked is if the size listed worked out for those who tried it. I'm going to buy the liners anyway, never mind grumps.
02-22-2013, 09:26 AM
I here ya Happy Thoughts. By the way of the dozen or so buckets I use none have any rust on them at this time. I was just giveing my opinion to the OP question.
02-22-2013, 09:48 AM
like i said not trying to come off as personal attacks, just commenting on thread. i think the case i have stated is quite sound and backed up by many but it still a personal decision to make and the only one you,figuratively not directed at anyone , have to answer to is the person in the mirror. just saying.
really i am pretty bored waiting for the sap to run and like a little controversy, it fires up the competitive nature in us and makes us think, which is always a good thing!! hey the senate "argues" much more than this!!
02-22-2013, 10:15 AM
325abn - raises a tall boiling soda to his fellow Maple Traders- :) :)
02-22-2013, 10:47 AM
"Quality Begins in the Sugarbush- The equipment you use will also have a big impact on your final product. Don’t use rusty or corroded spouts, buckets, or other maple utensils. Otherwise you may find toxic metals and metallic off-flavors in your syrup."
This statement must be write in an post-it on all equipments forum sections. it is simple, and real.
02-22-2013, 11:00 AM
LOL - In modern America it is all about how you Phrase things. I have adapted to the New Green Way. I have no rust - I have Organic Spiles and Buckets. I would never defile my pure - organic product by allowing it to come in contact with a product made from crude oil. That would contribute to the World Oil Shortage. etc. etc. ----I say this all in Jest. But You all get the idea ----Common sense is out the window --- It is all how you Spin things....Mike-----
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