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View Full Version : Stainless Steel Pot Cleaning Question...

03-03-2012, 10:59 PM
After I boil my S.S. Pans/Pots have a white film on them that dries and seems like it won't come off...Is that normal or is there a way to clean it off?

John c
03-03-2012, 11:10 PM
I've been following your threads and in your case I would say that just hot water should take care of your problem. If not give white vinegar a shot, but I'd bet hot water will do it.
Good luck!

happy thoughts
03-04-2012, 05:01 AM
Vinegar will work if you let it sit. For fast cleanup I like Barkeepers Friend, a non abrasive powdered stainless steel cleaner you can find at most grocery stores. Many big cookware companies recommend it for stainless cleaning. It does a good job and doesn't scratch. Look where they keep powdered sink cleaners like Comet. A can will last a long time. Use a soft nylon scrubby and rinse well.

03-04-2012, 05:53 AM
Thanks!!! I use Barkeepers friend it's great stuff I'll try it!

backyard sugaring
03-05-2012, 06:50 AM
Don, Fill the pot with water and boil it. You should be able to just wipe it off after. Good Luck. Lee

03-05-2012, 08:50 AM
Don, Fill the pot with water and boil it. You should be able to just wipe it off after. Good Luck. Lee

Thanks Lee! That is actually what I thought about...Boil it with just water, the sugar that is the film will dilute in the water and poof gone!

I'm smarter than I give myself credit for...:)

happy thoughts
03-05-2012, 09:22 AM
The film isn't sugar it's niter, basically a mineral deposit just like you'll get in your Mr Coffee maker over time. Running hot water through a Mr Coffee won't do anything to clean it if it's gunked up with mineral crud. You can try just boiling water in your syrup pan but in my experience it will take more than that. Even after repeated washings and uses, I can always see a faint film at and below the level of sap I've boiled if I don't take the time to treat it and make it disappear. Vinegar or another mild food safe acid (like the oxalic acid in BKF) will help remove it. Using water alone, I have my doubts.

03-05-2012, 09:47 AM
ok...lol! Niter...after I hit submit I thought DOH! if it was sugar then I'd have less syrup!

Ok thanks for all the tips I actually just scrubbed it with dish soap and a green rough sponge thingy in hot water and it came off!

Then I rinsed it like 5 times and my wife said how many times are you gonna rinse it and I said twice more than I think is good because I don't want our Syrup tasting like dish soap...LOL!