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View Full Version : HELP Holes remained after 2 years

03-03-2012, 03:40 PM
This is my third year taping.
Many trees still have fairly large holes from the 1st years taping.
Generally Younger trees have healed, but some of the mature guys.. 18" and up still have holes exposed.
Can I fill these??
What about using softwood dowels end of season? They swell with moisture and would seal almost immediately.
What did they use to fill tapholes with years ago?\

03-03-2012, 03:45 PM
Don't put anything in the hole, it will heal faster without.

happy thoughts
03-03-2012, 03:57 PM
Absolutely do not fill them. You will do more harm than good by introducing more opportunity for insect damage, disease and decay. Let Mother Nature take care of things and allow the tree to seal off on it's own. It is likely well started on that process by now though a hole may still look "open". I'll assume you are not seeing sap leak from them. If not leaking, then they are sealed. I have read that it can take 3 years or more for large tap holes to fill. That doesn't mean the hole itself is not sealed off long before that time.

In the future, if you're using 7/16 taps, consider using the smaller 5/16 tree savers. Per a forum discussion we just had with Dr Perkins, the tap holes heal 2x faster using these smaller taps.

03-03-2012, 05:08 PM
I have noticed holes on trees taking longer than others to heal, even on the same tree. Must of hit a bad spot (bad for healing) or some other condition that causes this.

03-03-2012, 08:12 PM
appreciate the feedback.
Spoke with the main government contact on this, and apparently droughty years can cause slower healing.
The tap holes are not leaking, just unsightly.
So I feel bad as we borrow the sugar bush from a neighbour.
Our bush is full of older trees, thus the slower healing cycle I understand.
5/16 taps next year for sure.