View Full Version : Rain Rain GO Away

Richard Gress
03-03-2012, 11:07 AM
Yep-sure would like to have a sugar shack right now. However, 20 years of "Marital Wisdom" tells me, I should finish remodeling the bathroom first...

03-03-2012, 11:40 AM
i know what you mean! i really wish i had a sugar shack right now. a foot of snow and rain! this stinks!


03-03-2012, 11:45 AM
I'm just hoping I can bust through the plow drift and get to my tank with the truck. I really don't feel like driving my open station tractor a mile down the road in this crap.
Guess the saps running which is good.

03-03-2012, 12:27 PM
Slush just clearing the lines now. Gravity stuck in limbo right now. Can see the sun through the clouds. It's going to run big. Michelle

Marc Duclos
03-03-2012, 03:15 PM
My name is Marc Duclos in Deerfield! I am on my third year.I tested 30 taps 2010 at the end of that year. Last year I had 365 taps and with out much equipment I bottled up 40 plus gals. I put up 400 taps on two sections one is all sugars around 275 and the othe is primaraly just reds Feb.14 th. I dont have high vacuum. Just 15 to 25 % grade with 5 hg witch keeps the lines empty. I am up to 550 taps and only collected 330 gals of sap this year. I am a 52 year old brick and stone mason and have been in the woods most of my life but I am realy in the woods about the lack of sap so far.

03-03-2012, 05:04 PM
At least you had sap to boil down... we didn't have ANYTHING this week. It's weird to not be boiling down on a Sat in March.

03-03-2012, 06:36 PM
Hi Marc, I'm in Deerfield too. Tending 15 taps and only managed to gather 2 gallons this week. Went out around 10:30am this morning and dumped the rain water out of the buckets. Used a few wet beech leaves per buckets to cover the spout hole to block rain water from getting in. Just got back and had maybe half a cup of sap between all of them. I hope tomorrow is better or I may have to dump the two gallons I've gathered through this week.

03-03-2012, 07:53 PM
Yep-sure would like to have a sugar shack right now. However, 20 years of "Marital Wisdom" tells me, I should finish remodeling the bathroom first...

Sounds like somebody really needs to get their priorities straight. Of course the shack should come first. better yet, build the shack with a bathroom and call it even,

03-03-2012, 07:53 PM
MJFlores- if you have the freezer space, you can freeze that 2 gallons and boil it with you sap next week. That's what we did 2 weeks ago, and it worked out fine.

Richard Gress
03-03-2012, 10:34 PM
It's all adding up to be a "freaky" season. All these "fits and starts" since early Feb. Next week weather looks all too typical, Mon-Tues-tool cold, Wed pretty good 32night/50 day,but then Thurs 60 degrees high. Bug time. And of course Sat (my only real time to boil)-Rain

Richard Gress
03-03-2012, 10:37 PM
My fist few years, "the shack" was her kitchen. Think I pushed her patience.