View Full Version : Taking over someone else's bush?

03-01-2012, 12:42 PM
I have know of a nice bush for a few years and drive by it on my way to work each day.i know it has not been taped in this being the 3 year. The last person to tap it was not even the person with the original permission. We will call them party 2. The person who the lines up has not taped it in 5 years and Has had no contact with the land owner or no contract. I walked the woods the other day to see if it was worth asking he land owner and found that party 2 never pulled some taps 3 years back and were grown into the tree.After seeing that I felt better About stepping in and calling the land owner. The call couldn't of gone better got the go ahead and was told its mine when asked about the last guys lines, but said I should call party one and ask to use his lines. When I called him he said to go ahead and use them but he planed on tapping again next year. I wanted to tell him there is no next year buddy... But didn't. I don't want to use his lines so I don't rub it in his face that it's mine now. The lines are about 10 years old and were put in half *** like. I don't think I would pay 1$ for them and the holding tank is a old army gas tank.How should I handle this without being a scumb bag. I would like to tap it this year but time is ticking. Land owner said they would do a contract if I was to put in much money. What do I tell party one when he comes looking for his lines next year. I could see this being a conflict. Ask more questions if this is not clear. I just would like to do this the right way.

03-01-2012, 12:54 PM
well if number 1 has some kind of contract stating that it is his equipment then he can take his lines if he really wants to be a dink. If they cared at all or had a contract then they would have been tapping it. best thing to do is get something in writing from the land owner. The lines are legally his if number one has no contract. This is why you NEED a contract when putting you stuff on someone elses land.

03-01-2012, 12:57 PM
Seems to me once you ink a contract you could get the landowner to tell the former parties they are SOL.

03-01-2012, 01:37 PM
The guy will take a hint when he drives buy the nice new set up.:o Sounds like he was all set anyway.

03-01-2012, 06:36 PM
Yup you need a good contract. With your responsibilities and the landowner's responsibilities spelled out. I would say take out the old lines carefully, coil them up in neat piles and put them on the holding tank. Give the previous tapper as little as possible to complain about. Heck you might even want to haul the old stuff to his place. The last thing you want to worry about is sabotage or vandalism to your new setup

03-01-2012, 09:39 PM
If party one's tubing has been in for ten years it's junk anyway . Don't shoot yourself in the foot , trying to produce quality sap with old wornout tubing . Get a 10 year lease , install new tubing , and make some syrup !

03-02-2012, 06:41 AM
Yep, get a lease signed and approach the party's to offer to remove their tube. They'll probably say they don't want it back and then you can rip and tear and cut into small pieces. Maybe offer to haul back their tank and call it even. String new lines and reap the rewards next year!

03-02-2012, 08:15 AM
You might also ask "party 1" if they might be able to use some sap if you get overwhelmed. Someone lazy like that will probably jump for joy if you drop off 100 gallons of sap some day and you won't have any more problems. ;)