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View Full Version : CDL 5/16 CLEAR TAPS (Biodegradable)

Burnt sap
03-01-2012, 08:43 AM
Is anybody using these smaller taps on here? If so how much of the tap is showing to the removal ring? I bought 200 of these taps and only installed 25 so far. We have yet to have a run so I'm waiting to see how they run before I tap the others. I like the idea of the smaller hole in the tree less heal time.

03-01-2012, 05:56 PM
If your talking about the seasonal spouts (they're. About $17/bag) I put 250 in this year and I like them so far, however we haven't had any big runs yet so time will tell. I heard from another guy that tried them that claimed they leaked, although I have not experienced any leaks yet (sap or vac). Also, if we are talking about the same tap then I don't believe they are any smaller. It is still a 5/16 tap, we used the same bit as the health spouts.

03-02-2012, 06:16 PM
I used the CDL clear seasonal spouts that are angled last year and tried 100 of them and I didn't care for them and felt they were junk. The didn't seal good in the taphole compared to a regular Leader or Lapierre health spout.

Burnt sap
03-05-2012, 07:15 AM
Yeah same problem here leaking... Switched them out for the 7/16 blue taps from Canada solid tap don't break when taped into tree either.

03-05-2012, 07:19 AM
I bought 200 of them put 100 in and the other 100 are going back, I hate them.Yes they do leak, and there a b***h to put in

Dave Puhl
03-05-2012, 08:26 AM
I wish I would of read this before I switched over...anyways I put in just under a 100 no breaks but I seen a few leakers but I had that with 7/16 but we havent had a big run yet will know this week...so where/how are they breaking???

western mainer
03-05-2012, 03:17 PM
I put in 100 also and yes they leak alot!

sweet willy
03-05-2012, 07:54 PM
We used the clear 110 degree spiles on a woods of 1600 we just restrung. So far so good, not many leaks at all, and less up pressure on the spile from the drop line. Driving them in the tree went good, no problems. The only thing I can see is they will break easy when they are pulled, but they are 1 season use.

Burnt sap
03-06-2012, 08:58 AM
Dave, From what I can see when putting the tap into the tree the hammer point has been cracking. Now before everyone says I'm hitting the tap to hard let me explain. We work as a team I drill holes and place the taps my kid hooks up lines and the wife tightens lateral lines up. With the blue taps two smacks will seat the tap. with these new taps they seem to bend then snap and it's been taking three taps with the hammer. The blue taps have a nice hammering point these clear taps have a point about the size of a 8 penny nail. In short will not use these again and do not recommend them cheaper is not better 19cents each vs 48cents I'll stick with ole blue just my 48cents.:mrgreen:

Dave Puhl
03-06-2012, 10:30 PM
well after the run today I am having more leakers...this is the first year also to use a real tapping bit....I tapped a few today... will see if tha later ones start to leak...I am going to try to chage a few leakers to 7/16 dont know if I can get a good hole with the 7/16 bit...I took some drops that are leakers and sucked on them but the vacum held for quite awhile...still not sure what is going on....

Monster Maples
03-06-2012, 10:59 PM
Last year I put half of my woods on the clear tomahawks from lapierre to try them out. This year I switched all of my taps out for them. Have had real good success from them with no issues whatsoever. 17 dollars a bag for those as well, and I plan to keep using them.

03-07-2012, 10:23 AM
You have the same problem I do on sadly most my taps (about 14 of 20), if you wobble in the least or wander with the more narrow bits a small amount of sap wood is left exposed and cannot be sealed no matter how you tap it in. If you go to test seal you will see that you have good engagement but the hole is slightly hour glass shaped so your only sealing on the neck. The entry is tapered out and will leak. Auger style bits back in the day were the deal as the point practically eliminated any wander. So nowadays take your time brace yourself on the tree and also see if you can get a sharper pointed bit.

On the subject of the bits anyone know what makes the tapping bits special. Leader and lapierre sites dont really explain what makes them better as far as cutting geometry goes. If i find out i may call in a favor and get some custom ground outta carbide, but hss technically sharpens to a finer point.

well after the run today I am having more leakers...this is the first year also to use a real tapping bit....I tapped a few today... will see if tha later ones start to leak...I am going to try to chage a few leakers to 7/16 dont know if I can get a good hole with the 7/16 bit...I took some drops that are leakers and sucked on them but the vacum held for quite awhile...still not sure what is going on....

03-07-2012, 01:33 PM
Last year I put half of my woods on the clear tomahawks from lapierre to try them out. This year I switched all of my taps out for them. Have had real good success from them with no issues whatsoever. 17 dollars a bag for those as well, and I plan to keep using them.

We've used them last year and again this year in our 900 tap New Bush. I like them - but they take twice as long to tap as a stubby and CV when you count the time required to cut off the old spout and insert the new tomahawk spout.

Dave Puhl
03-07-2012, 09:26 PM
Just for info..I am using the clear CDL 5/16 taps...With the big run last eve and today the 5/16 are leaking more than the later 5/16 that were put in..I took the worst leakers and retapped to 7/16 and the leak stopped ..I also put in a few the last few days of both and they are not leaking....I still have not made up my mind on 5/16...maybe the other companys making 5/16 have a something better?????

03-07-2012, 10:17 PM
just to make sure are we talking about these guys


and i heard you can just pull the line off too.

Burnt sap
03-08-2012, 06:32 AM
No mogli The 5/16 Tap from CDL Maple Supplies Those you have pictured I have not used.

Dave Puhl
03-08-2012, 08:53 AM
thanks for the link... sent out for a catalog....

03-08-2012, 09:56 AM
gotta picture then sadly couldnt find anything when i googled CDL maple supplies, i'm using the normal health spout from lapierre

No mogli The 5/16 Tap from CDL Maple Supplies Those you have pictured I have not used.

03-08-2012, 10:20 AM
found the catalog but still confused the only clear spout they show is a 19/64

gotta picture then sadly couldnt find anything when i googled CDL maple supplies, i'm using the normal health spout from lapierre

03-08-2012, 11:19 AM
I got the h20 innovations 19/64 spill and I love them knock on wood no leakers.