View Full Version : December Journal
Looks like i'll have to get this month's journal started.......... 8)
12-01-2003, 02:42 PM
Dang it Jim and myself are both slackin in our duties.
12-01-2003, 02:59 PM
I was too distracted by the snow squals we were getting today 8O
Rick you must have got a load of snow this weekend???
12-01-2003, 06:34 PM
Jim....just a couple flurrys down this way.At my house the only snow seen was what collected on the vehicles. Down the road 5 miles at my brothers house was only about 2.5 inches,he's a little higher on the hill though.
Got the plans all drawn up for the air injection on a bar napkin.(guess were we hunted this weekend) and now am pondering on building a UV sterilizer for the sap to run through. Does anybody have a guess as to how much UV light is needed? Will a flood light type black light produce enough rays to work?
Jeremy how are your plans coming for the air injection? I found a 10' long piece of 2'' SS milk pipe to us as my manifold and hope to find free 1/4'' line to make the bubblers with.
Hull bunch of crazy made up goodies
12-01-2003, 07:16 PM
Sounds like you have been busy as a bee. You need to send Jim some pics so we can all see your inventions and improvements. It is always fun for me to see everyone else's setup as there is no one down here that makes syrup, so I just have to look at mine and whatever pics Jim posts!
As for snow, we got several inches here Saturday. Kinda weird that we would get more snow than you guys up north and colder temps also! :?
12-01-2003, 07:41 PM
Rick it has to be a UV light, the kind that is harmfull to your eyes if you look at it. ,the fish pond or aquarium shops have replacement bulbs, but some of the don't use normal bulb sockets, it's very important to get the right gpm for the right bulb or else it's useless, I had to set up one for the bosses pond a few years back, it didn't work to what we wanted, I figured I would use it for sap.. but it froze and was all busted up, not worth fixing
12-03-2003, 07:05 AM
Jeremy, don't give up on those plans of working outside, it's only going to get worse 8O , I bought rough sawn and some studs last night to start on the entrance to the sugar house(replace them old wide swinging doors) I was going to start on it last night. but by the time I got home it was down to 15 degrees out, thats just a little to cold for me. I'll start on the project Saturday, snow or no snow, what size door does veryone put on their shacks, I'm thinking a 3 ft wide door should be sufficient enough if I ever want a bigger evap, say a 3 x 10 just have to take the door jamb out.
Cold enough for you all? We got a little snow but not much. Jim I put a 4 foot door in mine so I could get my holding tank in and out. Still have to get the firebrick in mine.
Take care
12-03-2003, 01:39 PM
Al, I hope you have some kind of heater for in there when your firebricking.. yikes!! wonder if it will setup if it's too cold?
Yea Jim I thought about that so I have two heaters and tried them both. In about an hour it was a balmy 60 in the sugar house.! 8O Boy, except for the coupla it's pretty airtight. I figure to put a heater at each end when I'm done and put a tarp up over the evaporator about 3 feet to hold in heat. Let it go for about 24 hours or longer depends on when I do it.
Take care and thanks for getting the picture in. :D :D
12-03-2003, 02:10 PM
Your welcome Al, My pleasure... I still have alot of room yet for more from everyone.. hint hint....
Your shack came out great!! can't wait to see the evap set up in it. The tractors pretty nice too!!
12-03-2003, 05:44 PM
Jim, I put a 54" door in my back additon. Good thing because when we put the 760 gal tank in there was about an inch room on both sides.You could put two 30" doors if you wanted, i have that in the front of my shack, i keep one shut and can open the other or open both if needed....nothing wrong with a 36 inch insulated steel or wood door either.......I like your pics, keep them comming, you to Al, looks great.....we need some inside shots Al........
12-03-2003, 08:40 PM
You're right! It is supposed to get really bad down here. A lot of freezing rain and sleet. I don't mind the sleet, I do hope we don't get the freezing rain because it is hard on the power lines, maple trees and tubing.
As for the door, Jim, it would be nicer for moving things in and out of the sugarhouse if you had a little larger door, but whatever works best for you will work the best.
Best of luck to all! I hope you each get a lot done this weekend!
12-06-2003, 06:07 AM
Here comes the snow, it started last night around 10:30, when I was still up on the roof buttoning up the coupla so the snow wouldn't go in, we are supposed to get close to 14" they say, theres about 3-4" on the ground this Morn. well, the turtleneck is on may as well go out and get working on the shack!!(and the snow)
Enjoy !!
12-06-2003, 12:30 PM
I'm not ready for the snow!!! So far we have about 10 inches on the ground and we're forecasted to get 18-24" total. May have to borrow some snow shoes to get back in the woods!!
12-06-2003, 01:03 PM
It's snowing pretty good now john, we have about 6" so far, I have been working on the shack all day, the front is done (door and window too) now I have to finish up the last side on the coupla, at least if I slide off the snow will break my fall ;)
Trying to get as much done while I can...
I'll post some pics tonight
12-06-2003, 01:19 PM
Did a test fire today try out my new hood pre-heater and U.V. filter system. Everyting worked out fine a couple little repairs made . My pre-heater was pumping out water at 195 degrees. The gph with the new hood pre-heater is around 100gph+ up about 25gph.
The condensation dip trys were pumping out a steady stream of hot water.
Lots of steam Jim 8)
12-06-2003, 03:41 PM
Well I hope you took some pictures... you know how we are all pic hoounds!! Thats great you got to fire it up, I'm getting closer, going to re arange things tomorrow, plus put a few free wood cabinet uppers in there too.
I added to the pics on my page of the work done today.
12-06-2003, 07:11 PM
Thanks Jeremy, sound good , a horseshoe pit near the sugarhouse :)
good luck with your plowing, the snow is still falling here!
Russell Lampron
12-07-2003, 05:12 AM
Your sugarhouse is really looking like a sugarhouse now. I bet you can't
wait until you can do a test boil. I'm glad that I got my main lines up off of
the ground last weekend. I bought a roof jack and stack cover this fall and
installed those last month. I won't have to get the ladder out to put the
stack up come sugaring time. It is still snowing here and it looks like we've
got better than a foot so far. Brandon how much snow did you get down
there? Did you get any of the ice and freezing rain? Time to go out and
snow blow the driveway so the kids can go to work.
Algier 2x6
Preheater steam hood
Stihl chainsaws
1930 Model AA Ford doodlebug tractor
12-07-2003, 06:30 PM
If you want I could fire up my evap. again and bottle up the steam and mail it to you. Than all you have to do is set the bottles on your evap. open them up theirs your test fire. :? Post some pictures of steam coming out your shack 8) Save your wood Just a brain strom :idea:
12-07-2003, 06:43 PM
Too funny Joe!!
I didn't get to work on the sugarhouse today... we got 18" of snow, so thats all I did today, my house, the neighbors , the mother in laws... one good thing about the snow, it covered all the tarps I had covering all the old roll roofing that I stripped off the roof! I had wanted to get rid of it before the snow... OH WELL hopefully the snow will go away for awile... yeah right.
Jeremy... How did you make out, I see you were still getting snow today!!
time to go buy snow shoes so I can finish my tubing :)
12-08-2003, 02:16 PM
whew.. lots of snow... most of the time the joystick box is the one doing the hitting.... ON MY KNEE!! thank god the newer ones are smaller and easier to put in a more knee friendly place in the truck.
but 40 " jeeze!! thats just toooooooo much!!
Now come on Jim!! Just think of it as pre- sugaring conditioning. :D Better to get it now then on the first day of sugaring especially for us bucket users. Looking at getting a set of chains for my tractor. Any suggestions out there? Ring type or more aggressive ice types?
Most farmers around here use the ring type but contractors use a more agressive type of chain.
Take care and Jim get those snowshoes!!!! :D
12-08-2003, 04:52 PM
Use what the framers use for chains. They know more about tractors and they go threw more crap than contractors. I've always used ring chains with no problems.
No snow over here just sun & cold. Warmer temps coming this week. Maybe melt some of it for you guys.
12-08-2003, 05:51 PM
I have been told that it would be fine to tap your trees this time of year. The reason that basically no one does is that you may only get one run in two months. I guess if a person had more trees than he could tap in the spring, it would be fun to tap the extras in Dec or Jan if he saw he was going to get a huge, huge run. The good thing is that the tapholes would freeze up and probably run in six or eight weeks again after they froze up about as good as they did before.
As for snow and ice, somehow we advoided most of the ice and we only got about 4 inches of snow. I was glad because about 50 miles from here last winter, they got about the worst ice storm on record. It broke the upper half of about every tree around. It was unbelievable.
12-08-2003, 05:59 PM
Are you sure that the trees don't have to go through a dormancy period? there must be more to it. (no smiley for shrugging my sholders) would be cool if worked though
12-08-2003, 06:34 PM
I am not sure, but I just passing on what I was told by sugaring people that had done it much longer than me. I think some of the people on the trader use refractometers to check the sugar content of trees this time of year, so the sap should work for making syrup.
Oh NOOOOOOOOOOO! :cry: :cry: :cry: I don't know why I am telling you this because your wife will have my head. I know you will have to try it and see if it works. Please don't tell your wife I told you this! Blame it on Rick! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
12-08-2003, 07:12 PM
A couple of problems with tapping now.You didn't get good runs, the sugar % is very low, And you can't use the same tap holes in the spring. They would have start to close with a short warm spell before sugar season starts. So you need to retap ( more stress on trees )
12-08-2003, 07:17 PM
The sugar content of the sap isn't as high in the fall as in the spring. Plus you would be wounding the tree twice in one year if you tapped in the spring too.
12-08-2003, 07:20 PM
Plus.... I can't take anymore time off from work.. thats saved for the spring run ;)
12-08-2003, 07:58 PM
Well, I was only referring to tapping trees that are extra that you couldn't tap in the spring because you have too many. I wouldn't recommend taping any trees twice because it is too hard on them! :D
12-09-2003, 05:57 PM
Sure..... blame it on me. :( I've got broad shoulders.
Hey wait i think she still likes me, wait till she is really mad at me (like at a camp fire say) and then add that fuel to the fire. :P
Oh Boy...... that's when they really get wound up but tight. :twisted:
thanks guys
12-09-2003, 08:17 PM
hehe guess your doomed either way !! ;)
hey Bud.. any deer the other day????
12-10-2003, 04:24 PM
Jim.....Nope no deer on sunday.Other than the road kill button buck i grabbed after the cops gave it a killing shot. 30 lbs of burger and a fist full of steaks is better than nothing! Momma made meatballs for spagetti with it and a meat loaf for tommorrow already so i best restock fast!
Black powder season started today and i received an early christmas present from the wife. A new knight 50 cal. inline,only catch is that i have to have all her cupboards up by friday night so i can go out saturday and sunday with it. It can be done (thats what i keep tellin myself, or i'll have to go MIA for the weekend ) Anybody got a spare sugar shack i can live in for the weekend? OR LONGER :(
Even if i only take it out for a walk in the woods it's a good day out! Maybe i'll bring it to the next party and send you and Joe out on the 4 wheelers :lol:
They say that these are accurate to 150 yds easy,so i'll have to see how things work out, Hope to get to the gun club's cabin tommorrow and get it sighted in for the weekend!
P.S. the USPS is just as bad at delivering those darn chickens :roll:
12-10-2003, 04:32 PM
The new inline muzzleloaders are awesome and accurate at to 150 yards. At least my Thompson Center Encore is, but I doubt your Knight is accurate as far as 50 yards! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just kidding!
Good luck with the muzzleloader. The best thing to shoot in it is Powerbelt bullets and I like the 50 grain Pyrodex pellets!
12-10-2003, 04:49 PM
Brandon....Thanks for the luck with the muzzle loader but i also need luck with the cupboards! Everyone i talk to recomends the Pyrodex pellets but what a variation on grain of bullet! What grain do you shoot? Most that i've talk to shoot 180 - 210gr, and one guy claims the heavier the better and he shoots 410 gr. :? Thats gotta be like lobbing a shotput out there if it even clears the barrel. Do you shoot the plastic sleeves or just a lubed slug? I'll see how it goes at the cabin tommorrow.
12-10-2003, 05:44 PM
Frist we'll keep Jim off the 4 wheelers. It's safer for me. If some new trader guys come up next year send them out.
Is your muzzle have #11 cap primer or #209. All you need is 2 pelts thats 100 grain. I'm shooting 298 grain bullets with my 54. cal. knight. And so far they all dropped in their tracks.
Use the plastic wad with the bullets. You only need to lube the barrel if useing a ball & patch. A 200 grain bullet give or take is good for a 50. cal. I'll be out too this weekend.
I got room for you in my shack. It has elec. & water. But you will need to pay rent around March, hint hint :wink:
12-10-2003, 07:49 PM
Hey I don't know who that guy was shootin at all I know was I kept my head low and hand on the throttle and hoped Joe was still behind me ;)
All I have is my 12 gauge that I haven't even taken out of the case since I got married over 14 years ago... anybody want to buy it??;) hmm lets see I think it takes shell, heck it's been so long can't remember :)
I'm having some venison burgers tomorrow at work, a co worker got one last week... gonna be a good lunch!!
Good Luck Rick... hope this next ones not splattered on the side of a car!! hehe
12-10-2003, 08:52 PM
Get the Power Belt bullets. They are a ton better than Sabots. I shot my muzzleloader last year eleven times at 50 yards in high winds and I was almost hitting the same hole without cleaning it. My brother then wanted to shoot at a clump of dirt about 2 inches in diamater at 100 yards and he nailed it even in high winds. The Power Belt bullets I shoot are 295 grains and a a ton better than any Sabot or any other type of bullet I have ever seen. They are a little more expensive, but well worth the money because they are a ton more accurate and you can shoot your gun numerous times the same day before cleaning it. They are around $ 13 or $ 14 for 16 to 20 bullets!
I also use the 50 grain Pyrodex pellets and only use two of them even though most muzzleloaders will take 150 grains of powder. 100 grains is plenty of powder in any muzzleloader. I guess your muzzleloader has the 209 ignition system, man the 209's are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-11-2003, 04:49 PM
Brandon,Joe.....Thanks for all the info. I ended up with 30gr pyrodex pellets and 295gr power belts. Shot it 10 times siteing it in and WOW is it cool! 8) Putting 3 rounds in a 2" circle it's amazing! The one i ended up buying will do either the#11 cap or 209 primers, just have to switch the nipple and hammer back and forth depending on what your shooting. But i set it for the 209's. Either of you useing a scope? Might have to see if one ends up under the tree. :o
Jim what make and modle is your gun?How much are you asking? Might have to buy it from ya so you can aford more taps and tubbing. :P
12-11-2003, 06:07 PM
I have a 3x9 x 40 Nikon Buckmasters Silver shadow scope on mine and it is awesome. I can about hit the same hole at 50 yards with it. There are a lot of good scopes out there that cost less than mine. I think I paid around $ 170.00 for it, but now they are $ 200 everywhere now. I bought a 3x9x32 Bushnell for my .22 Marlin and it is a really good scope and a great price--$49.99. I love it as I have killed 29 squirrels with it in the last couple of months!
My Encore has interchangable barrels and in about a minute, I can change it from a muzzleloader to a rifle. It is awesome being able to change it because besides the stainless muzzleloader barrel, I also have a stainless .270 barrel and a blued 12 ga slug barrel. I had a 4x14 x 40 w/A.O buckmasters on a stainless 7mm-08 that I bought last year, so I sold it to my brother and bought a .270 barrel. I also got a 5.5x16.5 x 44 with adjustable objective Nikon Monarch scope and installed on it and it is awesome!
Good luck to all the muzzlemen. I have been so busy that I probably won't even hunt this year since season is next week only! :(
12-11-2003, 07:42 PM
It's a Mossberg Reagal 12 gauge.Pump 2 barrels, deer slug and a bird barrel with adj. chokes(if I can find them) with a soft case ... it's in perfect shape was a real good target gun... since I never shot at a deer in my life(darn it) I haven't a clue what to ask for it. for you I'd have to give you a great deal one way or the other!! it takes 3" shells too
12-11-2003, 08:44 PM
You might want to hold on to the gun because it is a really nice one and one of the boys make take up hunting in a few years! :D
12-11-2003, 09:16 PM
But maybe it would be worth a De Laval vaccum pump complete with a 2 hp electric motor that's all cleaned and painted up,ready to go. The boys could use when they take over the syrup operation !!! :wink:
12-12-2003, 05:18 AM
Well Rick, looks like you have another reason to come up to the homestead here soon, better start talking with the wife....New years??? ;)
Russell Lampron
12-12-2003, 05:41 AM
Go to to check out chains for your tractor. They have a
good selection and good prices. I use the ladder type 2 link chains on my
tractor and my father uses those on his tractors too. Hope this helps.
Algier 2x6
Preheater steam hood
Stihl chainsaws
1930 Model AA Ford doodlebug tractor
Brandon, I agree with you on the power belts! Me and my brother both have oncores and he has shot 2 deer with his and it does a number on them.I also see you have good taste in scopes. I have 5 nikon scopes and you cant beat them.... We have had a good season at camp this year, 13 deer between bow, rifle and muzzle.... not as good as it was 3 years ago when we got 19 but it was fun....Now time to finish the sugar chores....the rig is almost ready, just need to hook up the burner which i havent gotten all the parts for yet and have 550 gals of fuel delivered......ill have some updated pics soon of the new additions and rig!!! 8) ...
12-13-2003, 06:43 PM
Can't wait to see the pics of everything. I worked on building the stand for my 320 gallon ss feeding tank today and I nearly finished it. I am hoping to do a test boil between now and the end of the year and I will be posting updated pics soon. Sugaring season starts here in less than two months, so I don't have long too wait! :D :D
By the way, has the cat got everyone's tongue?? Sure has been quite for the past few days!
12-14-2003, 07:05 AM
Been busy trying to get the little things done on the sugarhouse. the soffits, re arrange the layout inside, patch a few cracks in the concrete floor, and I have to make sure the flashing is finished this morning on the a little rain and snow in last storm(was very windy though) we are getting another 8-14 today they say.. hopefully NOT!!!!
16 whole degrees here right now, makes for working on a metal roof kinda nippy!!! better not put my tounge on it!!! :)
Walked the big bush this morning to check the mainline, everything looked good. still have to get out there and run tubing...
I also put in the vermiculite in the arch and ran the "FREE" ceramic blanket I got from work over the verm. hopefully I set the end slope just right and I get the right draft!
Just went out and walked the woodlot. Boy it sure is a little chilly!!!!!! 1 degree out!!! Sure was nice!!! No wind. Walking around looking at the trees and dreaming about 70 buckets! :lol: Going to actually brick the evaporator next weekend on Sunday. We're getting so busy that I have to actually schedule my days now.
May change taps this year to the smaller Leader 5/16 tree saver spout.
Anyone use these with buckets? Need to buy spouts this year anyways.
Take care
12-14-2003, 10:22 AM
Been selling alot of syrup december christmas gifts. Picked a store that wants to sell syrup.
Still trying to bag that big non-typical buck (3yrs now) he'll die from old age I guess. They don't get that big buy being stuiped.
Al, I used the tree saver spouts with buckets . Just make a drop line spout and but your pile on the ground. works out real good.
Next weeken maybe I take my tank down to the woods before the snow gets too deep. I have to go down and get my tree stands any- ways.
12-14-2003, 04:02 PM
I think you are referring to the 5/16" cast leader spouts. I bought 100 of the cast Soule hooked spouts last year and they worked great. I got really aggrevated with the hooks, so I bought 100 of the stainless "S" hooks and used them on the spouts. It worked good but the hook on the spout was sometimes a big aggrevation and caused spillage.
What I did for this year was I ground off the hook on the spout even with the rest of the spout. The big hump on the top, I took a drill press and drilled a hole in it as low as possible just slightly bigger than the wire on the bucket lids. Now, I just slide the wire in the bucket cover through the hole and the bucket lids will never blow off and the stainless "S" hook has plenty of freedom to move and will make it easier to get the buckets off of it without spilling them. When you install the taps, you have to put the stainless " S" hook behind the hump before you drive it into the tree or it will not stay on. The hooks don't cost much and with the holes drilled for the lids, it makes for a really great setup.
Hope I didn't confuse you. I really like the cast spouts a lot but if I was just going to buy 7/16" in the future, I would probably just buy the stainless spouts that are sold with the "S" hooks.
12-18-2003, 07:02 PM
Man did it rain here yesterday, still got to get in the SugarHouse, put up some "free" upper cabinets in it. it was nice to see it dry in there.(although my basement got a little water)
once christmas is done and we have money again , I'll start thinking about a sap tank,and that wont be untill Feb.:(
Well Jim, just checked your web site. Boy your coming along nicely on that sugar house!! Next thing you know you'll be putting in a kitchen so your daughter can make her candy right in the sugar house!! :D
Just signed up for the 2004 Vermont Maple Conferance. Looks like it will be a good time. They've invited over 40 exhibitors to but up displays.
Man we have so much snow that my snowbanks are 8 foot tall already!!
Hope to get a little melt down here next week.
Take care
12-19-2003, 12:55 PM
Thanks Al, I was trying to get Mike's new pics on last night but was having trouble uploading, figured it out though, so will have them up tonight.
I have planned for a 10x10 addition on it for just that.. candy making!!! that will be a few years from now.
Got some of the pics uploaded, Mikes new rig is awesome!! I also have some more of my sugarhouse in my section.
Brandon, send me some new pics so I can update yours....
All I did today on the sugarhouse was to put a screen door closer on the door so it won't slam open from the wind. hopefully get the Evap setup tomorrow(leveled and pans on) really itchin to do a test boil!!
12-20-2003, 10:21 PM
oops..I did it again.. forgot to logon,
Jim, thanks for posting the pics....your SH is looking good!!!!! Bet you cant wait to do your test boil?? MERRY XMAS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-21-2003, 09:41 AM
Your welcome Mike,yes your right , can't wait for the test boil, I'm getting the pans set now, leveling, putting on the pan gasket and such. starting to get more of the construction tools out for room. it won't be long Gentlemen before the steam is rising in new england, the shortest day of the year tomorrow, so slowly the days will get lomger, light a minute or 2 longer each day.... can you here the spring birds???;)
Al, Can you give me some info on the 2004 maple conference....When and where.......Thanks
Hi Mike it's online at the UVM website. Don't have the website right here but if you need it I can dig it up . It's in January on the 16th in Castleton ,17thSpringfield ,19th Hyde Park and the 24th in Essex Jct. Signed up for the 24th. Supposed to be alot of boths and several lectures with lunch provided.
Has to be a good time.
12-21-2003, 03:51 PM
I will be sending you some new pics in a few days. I am going to wait until my test boil and take some pics then. I will have everything finished up then and I will post some on my website and send you some also. I am shooting for either Christmas eve or New Year's day.
I am heading to the website to look at the new pics you posted! I can't wait!
Al, I have the 24th off....If you want someone to go with you let me know..
Absolutely!!! :D Call me when we get closer.
12-27-2003, 05:02 PM
Well its been too wet to log so i finally got into one of the new sugarbushes and hung some mainline. Had the troops with me (emma-2yrs and meredith-5 yrs) so it was not as fast as it might have been but still managed to get 1000' up on wire. What a great family activity. Felt great to be getting a little jump on it. When we got the line up we went to the 2 other spots we do and got all the lines out from under the bursh and snow. I hope to tap 600 more this year. Happy holidays to all, Parker
12-28-2003, 04:30 PM
Sounds like you are really expanding? How many taps are you shooting for and how many gallons of syrup do you have in mind :?: :?:
12-28-2003, 05:56 PM
Well It was nice having a 4 day weekend, got a real lot done, the sugarhouse is all cleaned out and organized ready to go just short of a small feed tank to set up and do a test boil!! maybe New years Day, Got the canning area done and even the TV and VCR inside, I added some pics of it on my site, now to concentrate on finishing up the tubing and an outside Sap storage area(and tank) I think it will be a 300 gal, galvanized this year.still looking at roadside trees in the area, some nice old BIG beauty's should have no problem hitting my 350 tap mark.
I have a calender in the sugarhouse and I have marked backwards the amount of weeks left... appx 10 weeks and counting... anybody getting nervous???
12-28-2003, 07:45 PM
Not too nervous here other than with my job situation, it doesn't look like I will have much time to make syrup this year. :cry: Maybe next year, but we'll have to see. It is about 5 to 6 weeks for me till season starts.
As for a test boil, I am shooting for New Year's Day also. Should be lots of fun!
12-28-2003, 07:54 PM
Brandon ! you have to make time... you have a new evap and setup!!! is work that busy? tell people to stop having car accidents;)
I feel for ya buddy... I know your itchin to boil!!!
12-30-2003, 04:41 PM
Figured out an easy way to open the vent doors, installed these last night, they cost me $4.50 total. now I just release the rope to the pully's and the spring pops the door open.
12-30-2003, 04:52 PM
Jimmer...great idea! I went downtown to the patent office. It's mine now. :lol:
That's a terrific idea i'll have to make up a similar deal for mine,instead of the long pole to push it over.
12-30-2003, 05:19 PM
Thanks Rick
It's based on the Idea that Martin(gearpump)had, but he used a pole with a spring on each side,
I just wanted to simplify it, and it works great. I found it to be a pain to put a long pole up through my trusses.
12-30-2003, 06:23 PM
Hay Edison What happens if the spring falls off. :oops: Close but no cigar :wink: Back to the drawing board :idea:
12-30-2003, 06:28 PM
Ahhh trying to find fault in my gizmo eh?;)
the spring should stay on well, it treaded on to the bolt tightly, if one is worried.. one could put some silicone caulking or even tread loc...
and you don't have to use a copper pipe clamp, you could use aa electrical emt clip also...I just grabbed what was close .
the reason I didn't go with the way Martin made his was I think I can adjust where I want it and how "springy" I want it.
I'm still an amature but learning fast :)
12-30-2003, 06:34 PM
12-30-2003, 06:36 PM
he he he ;)
12-30-2003, 06:57 PM
Looks good but I would be concerned that the constant pressure on the doors could possible cause them to warp, :?
Well, I guess I am thinking to much!
12-30-2003, 07:18 PM
It shouldn't have that effect on the doors, first the spring is near the point of the attatched pully and rope so the force if the spring is counteracted by the rope, and second, it's not that powerfull a spring, just strong enough to pop the door open, I guess it all depends on how big your doors are and how strong a spring you put.
I'm happy with the way it works, I'll let you know if the doors wap at all :)
12-31-2003, 01:27 PM
I knew I should have patented that idea for the spring door opener thingy! Good job in simplifing my idea. It does work like a charm and I have not noticed any warping on the doors.
12-31-2003, 01:48 PM
Hey Marty
Still time to patent it :wink:
I was going to try it your way, then when I couldn't get a spring to fit a peice of emt, I tried the bolts, either way it worrks great.
now just to get some steam there!!!!
tomorrow is my test boil... I'm real excited!! can't wait to take some pics and video
01-04-2004, 06:51 PM
Brandon, sorry, been away from the comp. for a while. I would like to get another 600 taps up and i guess ill haul it over to Bobs agine this year. i did not get my shack up this year and Bob will have plenty of capicity with that 5x14 he got this summer.
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