View Full Version : Heavy Snow Coming

02-28-2012, 04:46 PM
I wanted to wait a another week or so, but I tapped 95 sugars today while the going was easy. Looks like we might get some freeze/thaw days late next week.

Let it snow, I guess. I can get to all these trees on snowmobile.

03-02-2012, 08:20 PM
I see you are here too Gissert. I am outside of Mankato and tap mostly Boxelder. I tapped most of them last week and have 1-2 gallons per tree. I also tapped 1 sugar maple and it has yet to run at all, maybe a cup or two. I agree though, early next week might be the ticket around here.

03-03-2012, 02:23 PM
Yep, lurked for a couple years, joined in 2010 but never posted until now. I have learned a ton from this site.

My partner got a few more taps in a couple days ago, and we should finish on Monday with about 160-180 total. Gonna be hard to keep up on the good flow days, but we'll manage.