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View Full Version : Barrel Evaporator - Ceramic blanket inside or outside? + Baffle?

02-27-2012, 11:46 AM
Too late for the 2012 season but does anyone have experience in using a ceramic blanket material with a 55 gallon barrel evaporator?

I am in a heated debate with my "Dad" on which is the best way to add a 2" 8# ceramic blanket to a barrel evaporator.

Insulate the "INSIDE" of the barrel by cutting and fitting and sandwiching the cermaic insulation between the protective sheet metal protective shield that would be affixed via sheet metal screws..etc.

or insulate the "OUTSIDE" of the barrel, again by sandwiching the cermaic insulation between a protective sheet metal shield affixed via sheet metal screws....etc. Obviously this would be easiest but may not be as effective.

If I add an insulation blanket will it actually allow more heat to be concentrated into the pans or will it simply go up and out the stack?

Finally, would the addition of a sliding heat baffel something movable via a standard poker be a better/simplier?

This is my non-insulated baffle free barrel evaporator set-up that I am looking to improve!

02-27-2012, 02:46 PM
Well I had a set up simmilar to yours last year. What we did is take the blanket cut it and put bolts and washers through the blanket and out the side of the barrel. We also bricked the evaporator. For the curved part we bolted the bricks to the barrel. The insulation will keep alot more heat in your evaporator making it more efficient. I would brick it. They hold heat which is nice.

70 Buick
02-27-2012, 07:21 PM
I put my blanket inside & then bricked it
works fine for me