View Full Version : Tanks

11-30-2003, 12:41 PM
I was reading the September journal when I came across the subject of painting tanks. I have a couple that could use a coat. Question, where do you get the potable water tank epoxy paint mentioned in the journal? Thanks in advance.

11-30-2003, 01:42 PM
I got mine from ICI Devoe paints they are on the web, I think the epoxy I used was bar rust 235 or something like that, I can check for you, also I had to prime it first also with an epoxy.

12-10-2003, 09:47 AM
Ok.. I found my invoice on the paint

the Primer is Deveran 201 light grey paint, 3, un1263,pg III

The paint is Bar-Rust 233 off whit K paint un1263 pg III

Bothe are epoxy's from ICI paints which used to be Glidden

web page is
go in there and look for nearest dealer

the 2 gallons cos me $104, but we get real good pricing so it may be more than that.

Good luck the stuff is great!!