View Full Version : Jefferson County

02-25-2012, 07:14 PM
First boil on my sugar house today was a full sucess! Sweetened the pans. Boiled 350 gal. last night with good friend Walter Maxwell at his evaporator then he came over to assist and help get me going today. Boiled approx 130 gallons of sap. Evaporator run at 25 gal. an hour. Not bad for one that is 30 yrs old. Pics to follow. Sugar content 3.5%.

02-26-2012, 05:14 PM
Good job up there! I'm from Adams/Watertown area originally. This is my second year. Wish I started while I still lived up North!

03-05-2012, 06:13 PM
Boiled again Fri night boiling 65 gal. made about 2 gal of fancy at mignight just as I was about to shut down. God I love this hobby. sugar content runing at 3% last 2 pick ups. hopefully this week will be better. Cold snap with lake effect snow last night. today cold as hell. All froze up. Hoping when weather breaks Wed. sap will run good again.