View Full Version : syrup guide

Fred Henderson
03-21-2006, 10:26 AM
Does anyone have a guide or rule of thumb for how much syrup I should give someone for being allowed to tap their trees. Adjoining my bush there is another that I could pick up another 75-100 taps in. It would not be out of my way, just a step across the fence. Which is down from lack of any maintence for the last 50+ years.

03-21-2006, 11:09 AM
we pay 1 gallon per 100 taps. however we will can it in any number of containers they want. 4 quarts or 8 pints, whatever. You have to keep them happy if you want ot continue using their trees (within reason of course).

03-21-2006, 07:21 PM
I give 10% of the syrup produced from their trees. some people get a quart some get 10 gallons. If they don't want a lot of syrup I "open the store" for them, so they get the less syrup but in fancy glass to give as gifts. One sugarbush owner works at the UN in the city. Said he gave a maple leaf to Kofi Annan the head of the UN.

03-21-2006, 08:35 PM
We rent all our trees and give 1 gallon per 100 taps.

03-21-2006, 08:58 PM
Just do whatever makes the people happy. If it is 1 gallon per 100 taps or 3 or 4 gallon, if the trees are worth it, then keep the people happy! I am around 2 gallon per 100 taps, but I have no set rule of thumb! :D

03-21-2006, 09:45 PM
WV, We are careful to give everyone that we tap on th3e same amount per tap. I don't want Mr. X talking to Mr. Y and saying what a great deal he got by getting 2 gallons per 100 taps when i only paid Mr. Y 1 gallon per 100. I try to keep everything out in the open as far as rent goes. most people I have dealt with are very appreciative of that. This year we started adding on a new woods. Got 650 new taps in and will end up with 1500 - 2000 when we are done next yext year. While negotiaing with the landowner he sheepishly asked if he could get 10 cents per tree. i was quite quick to tell him that everyone we tap on gets the same amount, no exceptions. his head dropped a little until I told him I'd pay 1 gallon per 100 taps or 25 cents per hole. He was very pleased.

03-21-2006, 10:12 PM
Not all my trees run the same and I have been doing what I do for years and everyone is very happy. Sugaring is a thing of the past down here and a lot different that up north. :D

03-22-2006, 07:20 AM
I have stopped in and just asked people. One lady told me she didn't think there was any sap left in the huge rocks in front of her house. Not quite the case. Then I told her that I was going to give her some syrup for letting me tap the trees and she looked at me strange, almost like "Why".

Regardless I appreciate the opportunity, and was going to pay based on the 1gal/100 taps. But in her case and one other person's they could care less about the syrup, but I bet once they get it they will be glad I gave them some.

Also while gathering, I always bend over to pick up trash and crap people throw out the window. You never know who is looking out the window watching you collect and I am sure that goes along way as well... :lol:

andrew martin
03-22-2006, 07:11 PM
We had 90 taps this year - a ll "rented" trees - on my pastor's farm. We tried to give him a gallon, but he would only take a quart. He tried sugaring last year with 15 taps, and experienced how much work it was and decided he would take no more than a quart. I told him to come back to our house when he runs out. Since we pulled our taps in JAnuary, we have found over an additional 150 trees on his property we will tap next year. I am very excited for next year. My wife is not so excited.
