View Full Version : Wood Stove Turned Evaporator!
02-24-2012, 10:08 PM
Here's my 2012 "Sugar Shack"...
I got an old Wood Burning Stove that my dad got from someone years ago that was gonna be thrown out!
Well it almost seems like it was made for Sugaring!
The Sugar Shack
14.5 Gallons of Sap in 5 Days, 3 Taps (up to 5 now added 2 more today)
Close-up of my home-made Evaporator...
This shows where a fan mounts for air flow...will have a fan there tomorrow when boiling...
Can't wait to start tomorrow!!!!
02-24-2012, 10:12 PM
I love it. Get ready to see some steam fly tomorrow. Hope we can see some pics of the first boil.
Thanks for keeping us so informed, I am happy for you and share your excitment.
Happy Boiling !!
02-24-2012, 10:15 PM
Thanks! I'll be taking pics and Videos tomorrow...
My videos are in the Michigan Tapping section!
Let the fun begin! It's almost like Christmas I bet I can't sleep tonight!
02-25-2012, 02:03 AM
Here's some more Prep Pics...Still awake at 3am LOL!
My Filtering and Finishing Supplies...
My Labels and Bottles ready for tomorrow!
02-25-2012, 09:01 AM
Looks great, nice job. Should work good. Only 1 small "problem" I see. After this season Ill bet you wish you made it bigger. LOL:lol: It certainly gets addicting. Welcome to the madness!:mrgreen:
02-25-2012, 01:07 PM
Looks great, nice job. Should work good. Only 1 small "problem" I see. After this season Ill bet you wish you made it bigger. LOL:lol: It certainly gets addicting. Welcome to the madness!:mrgreen:
I planned for that! ;) The preheater base is removeable and I can add another big pan next year! Might even fit 3 pans in there...gotta measure it....Then move the preheater on the side!:cool:
Follow my process on this thread...Don't wanna do double posts...If I add to or change the evaporator I'll post the changes here!
My 1st Sugar Shack 2012>>>>
02-25-2012, 06:52 PM
Nice, smart man planning ahead! Looks like you hit up Tractor Supply for your sugarin suppies.:lol: I did the same. Curious how you make out with that filter paper. I didnt have much luck. Happy boiling!
02-25-2012, 07:51 PM
I've never seen anyone so prepared for anything. lol
Good luck and may your fingers be sticky!
02-26-2012, 12:50 AM
Yep got my Bottles and 2 more taps and buckets at Family Farm and home:lol:
The wood stove is only boiling down a gallon every hour and a half...It has the top on the firebox and I have the pan sitting on it. I need the fire to touch the pan so I'm gonna make a homemade evaporator this summer...
Went and bought a turkey fryer and that's doing the most work right now...Down to 4 gallons left to add out of about 18 Gallons...
Slow but I learned and will be a bit quicker next weekend:cool:
02-26-2012, 08:43 AM
You seem pretty handy, so don't give up on the wood stove without trying this trick. Weld up an intermediate grate to put the flame about four to six inches below the pan. #5 bar about 4" on center works well, and try a shield maybe three to four inches high at the rear to force the flame up and over before drafting out the flue. Keep a fire going below, but feed smaller stuff onto the top grate; you need a pretty high door for this so on your rig you might have to fabricate a top door just to feed it. From the looks of your rig I bet you can get 2+ GPH, and you'll cut down on your wood usage as too.
I'm a hobbiest as well, using all home made and self designed equipment made from materials scrounged over the years. For me, that's half the fun. The other half is the boiling. Not to mention the syrup, that's another half. (half, plus half, plus half....o.k., so I'm not a math major, but you get the point.) Enjoy.
02-29-2012, 04:44 AM
Good idea and I thought for a minute to rework my wood stove to make it work but I use it to heat my garage and don't want to tear it up...
Thinking of building a home-made out of a barrel or just welding up and arch...
Or buying a used or new leader half pint...
02-29-2012, 06:09 AM
I'm using an old all-nighter stove w/ 2 hotel pans on top. 1st boil I only had one pan and I filled the whole firebox w/ wrist sized and larger split wood. It took me 36 hrs to boil 25 gallons. 2nd time around I filled the rear 1/2 of the stove w/ cement. Lock pieces and stood a piece of 1/4" steel plate up in the middle to block off the rear of the stove. This forced the flames up to the top of the stove instead of back towards the flue. That along w/ another hotel pan cut 10 hrs off my second boil. I also used cut up pallets for fuel the second time around.
02-29-2012, 06:26 AM
I'd love to see your All Nighter setup...I have one in the basement that I'm not using and was kinda wondering how I could convert it to an evaporator.
02-29-2012, 01:17 PM
NO ! don't cut up that allnighter I need one to heat my house next year :)
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