View Full Version : 7 gallons- 15 taps,,Sault Ste Marie ONT.

02-23-2012, 09:18 PM
Kinda sunny day so I tapped a few and got approx. 7 gallons today. FEB 23 2012. I,m aftraid of a poor season so I am getting all my taps in and will follow the Tortise and Hare theory. Hope we do get a good running season, but just making sure I do get some sap for sure.



02-24-2012, 06:40 AM
Hey there-
We are in Parry Sound and still seem to be getting nightime temps around-10.
I suspect you have a typo....March 23, did you mean Feb 23..
Hopefull we get some sap flow out our way mid to late next week.

02-24-2012, 07:24 AM
Hi Twinbay:

Correct, a typo, I did mean FEB 23,,,I fixed it, thanks !

02-26-2012, 06:16 PM
Anymore sap up north Terry?
We got pounded with 18" of snow in Parry Sound.
Still staring at sapless buckets, last night was -27.
Baffled to know how you get sap? Are you heating your trees. lol
Good luck this season

02-26-2012, 07:05 PM
Hi Twinbay:

Nope , no more sap since last Friday.

We too got cold back, today nasty cold, blowing and snowy. I guess I got lucky last week, that day was 0c, sunny and no wind, sap did run, slow though. My spiles have frozen sap on them right now.

Weather says no sap for awhile now. Back to normal winter days, kinda gives me more time to be ready for the BIG run !!

Talk soon.


02-28-2012, 06:31 PM
Not sure you already subscribe but here is a maple source put out by the government of Onatrio.
Hopefully the taps start flowing Thursday- looks like SW Ontario is already 50% done !!

02-28-2012, 08:59 PM
HI Twinbay:

Wow, great site, never saw it before, saved it to my FAV.s.



03-01-2012, 01:36 PM
Temp today is a tiny bit above freezing ,,,maybe 1C and the trees are giving about 5-6 drips a minute, nothing special. It does tell me though that when we get a sunny day, watch out cause it is going to flow like crazy.

Yippee, maybe Northern Ontario will have sap soon. :cool:


03-01-2012, 09:09 PM
Parry Sound-
Just put in 100 taps, and still waiting.
Lots of snow this past week, might help late season.
First run looks like it might be Wed-thurs next week......lets get going !!!

03-02-2012, 05:04 AM
your right...looks like a cold snap on sunday, monday and tues night, but thursday and friday of next week look great. the extreme colds at night the past few weeks has been torture on us here in the muskoka/parry sound/haliburton areas. hopefully our season isn't cut too short with above freezing nights

03-02-2012, 06:54 AM
Hey Skoka-
What resource do you consider for weather?
I use weathernetwork and environment Canada- both have been equally wrong ??!!
http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/updates/maple/2012-02-28.htm seems very general but closer.
The snow in the bush is right up to my waist, so hopefully that helps extend.
First boil 2010 we started March 6, 2011 we started March 16.....

03-02-2012, 07:05 AM
Wed. of next week looks great, freezing the night before and a 4C daytime high here in sault Ste. Marie. Problem is I am outta town, GOOD GRIEF !!

Lets hope those temps continue for a couple weeks.


03-02-2012, 10:52 AM
hey twinbay...

i use those two as well (and your right, they are both generally inaccurate). i usually split the difference between the two, but the 14 day forcast on weathernetwork is sometimes helpful to see the trends the week ahead. i will check out that link, thanks. heres hoping for a good season!