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View Full Version : Reverse Twist Tapping bits?

03-20-2006, 07:36 AM
I was drooling over the Bascom catalog last night, when I looked closely at the Canadian Cordless tapping bits. They are all pictured as left hand twist! Are they really, or did someone flop the negative?

Oh - Just looked again. It's a reversed negative. They are pictured as right hand twist in the larger picture up top, but reversed for the close up at the bottom.

03-20-2006, 09:02 AM
I don't know but they are the best thing since sliced bread and the best $ 20 you will ever spend in mapling in my opinion. :D Anyone who has used them this year will likely agree with me. :D

03-20-2006, 05:33 PM
I fought mine through 150 taps. It pulled me into the tree and then stalled the drill. I would have to reverse out of it and then try again. This went on for at least 150 taps and then it broke off in the tree. I for one wish I left mine at the dealers. The neighbor who used one said he had simular problems with his and figured it was because the wood was wet and still semi frizen. He said the trees that where total frozen it worked good on and the ones that wern't frozen it worked good on, but if they barrely ran and seemed frozen it was a real pain to use. I finished my woods with the old titanum bit Iused last year and had no more problems.

03-20-2006, 07:02 PM
I run mine on slow speed and the drill never slowed or even wanted to stall. 8O 8O Maybe your drill doesn't have enough power for that type of bit. As easy as my drill handled it, doesn't make sense as I only have a 18 volt that doesn't have a ton of torque like some of the others. :?

03-20-2006, 08:13 PM
I used 3 diffrent drills. One was 12 volts, one 13.5 volts and one pro series 18 volts. Of course the 18 volt did work the best but it was the one we used the most and the one we were using when we broke it. I don't believe it was the drill.

03-20-2006, 08:25 PM
We only tapped about 65 trees...but we did use Bascom's Canadian cordless bit (7/16 inch in a Dewalt 14.4V). It worked really well, didn't pull and left a very clean hole.


03-20-2006, 09:14 PM
I will agree with Brandon, those bits are the great. That being said I did break one but Bascom replaced it for me. Smoothest bit I ever used. We tapped through all the conditions and made no difference frozen to thawed. The bit worked well.

maple flats
03-21-2006, 05:15 AM
I used them and love them. 300 holes on 1 18V Ryobe battery, still going but getting weak. Watch the bits, some are left and if run rt they would be useless. I think left ones are for chain saws converted to drill as they are running ccw. If you got a bad one it should go back or sharpened. I use a good Drill Dr to sharpen bits and they come out as sharp as new and sharper than some are new. It only takes about a minute to sharpen one but can not do left twist bits.

Dave Y
03-22-2006, 09:12 AM
I bought 4 fast spiral bits out of the MSC catalog 9dollars and change.Drilled 425 holes with one bit. good clean hole and no binding or stalling. I bet I can get another 425 holes out of the same bit. If you want the cat.# i can get it for you.