View Full Version : GE osmonics E4. Will it work for maple?

02-23-2012, 06:14 PM
I potentally have access to a barely used E4. Tag says the following: permeate rate 9.1 concentrate 3.06 at 77 degrees. Min/max inlet pressure 30/60 psig

It has 4 filters and I don't have any info on these. It was purchased to clean river water for a commercial application but was deemed too small.

I have been making syrup for 20+ years but know little to nothing about RO's. One thing I never have been able to understand is what differentiates a maple RO from other RO's? Can anyone help me on this unit or at least let me know what questions I need to ask or what I need to find out?

Thanks in advance.

02-23-2012, 08:16 PM
Among other issues, and there are several, the first is that whatever the specs say for throughput is rated at 68deg F or 20deg C.

At the temperatures we run sap it will only process 1/3 of that value. The DOW tech guys say 3% drop in throughput for every 1 deg C drop in fluid temp.

The next big issue is whether it has a decent recirculation system. Most normal ROs do not. Because of the sugar bio-slime that accumulates on the membranes we need a high volume recirculation system to try to keep the crud off the membranes as long as possible. Many systems have from 1 to 3 Hp separate recirulation pumps.

And then there is the issue of what membranes are in it.

I see your operation is pretty close to the same size as ours. Your evap is bigger but we have the Steamaway so I thnk they wil do about the same. Our Airabalo is rated 150 GPH, but with the new tech membranes (XLE-4040) it will go through This unit has a 3 Hp high pressure pump and a 1 Hp feed pump and 2 of the 4" x 40" membranes.

The next issue is ... do you have enough electricity in the sugar shack?