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View Full Version : How many gallons?

02-22-2012, 07:43 PM
How many gallons of sap do you think I need to feed into my divided 2x4 pan to start getting something close to syrup at the draw-off? I have boiled twice now, and ran 70+- gallons the first boil and ran another 60 gallons into it today. Sap has been averaging 2% to 2 1/2% pretty consistently. I have been running about 1 3/4" depth, and that is mainly to keep the dial thermometer in the boil, and even at that the little ring that it needs to be submerged to is still a little above the surface.

After the first boil I didn't put anything in the cutouts to prevent mixing as it cooled. Today I put a couple dams in there in key locations to help keep it from mixing.

When I got done today, it is getting VERY sweet at the draw-off, but not sweet enough to float a hydrometer yet. It seems all three front compartments are about the same density, at least by eye. There is obvious visual difference between the back most compartment (where sap is drizzled in), the middle compartment, and the front three. It looks as though I might get bigger draws than I originally thought? But concerned I'm not there yet.

This was a batch pan last year, and had the dividers put in it this past off season. The cut-outs are 2 inches by 2 inches, or slightly less. I kept them smaller to help prevent mixing.

Here is a picture at the beggining of the first boil.


02-23-2012, 08:32 AM
This is a very similar setup we started with. You should be getting close to a draw. Next time you boil, take some draws from you syrup drawoff and move it back to the middle channel. This will help get your gradient going.

You are going to $h#t yourself when the temp start getting to 219. I was nervous as hell getting that first draw, after two days of boiling.

Draws will be sporadic with the sap pan being open like that. Next year I would divide that also, this will help get more consistent draws.

This is exactly how we started. We ended up cutting out the bottom of the sap portion of the pan and added flues, and dividers. She is a sap cooking machine now.

02-23-2012, 09:58 AM
Thanks PLS! It's hard to tell from the picture, but the back sap section is divided into two parts as well. Perhaps not enough divisions, but there has been a good visible gradient between the compartment I drizzle sap in and the next compartment down the line.

Sounds like one more good boil and things will start happening for me. Trees are running good right now, should have another 20-30+ gallons by the end of the day. Should be able to fire it up again tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning.

I have been toying with the idea of drop tubes in my pan......................but still have not done it yet. Maybe next year. lol

02-24-2012, 09:16 PM
About 3 hours into the third boil today I finally floated the hydrometer right about at syrup and drew off about 3 quarts. Took about 5 more hours, but then drew off 2 1/4 gallons very slowly. Checked it occasionally and it just barely floated the hydro well below syrup. That's OK, I wanted to finish inside anyway. Ended up with 2 1/8 gallons of finished syrup and took less than 2 hours to finish it up after bringing it inside. I'm pretty happy with those results.

I have to try and keep more consistent levels a little better than I have, and also keep that level closer to 1 inch or a little more. My dial thermometer needs 2 inches to read right, but I can't keep it that deep.