View Full Version : Cage tank in truck bed

02-21-2012, 11:40 AM
Anyone have any experience collecting with a cage tank in the bed of a full size pick up? Looks like a full 250 gallon tank calculates to about 2100 lbs. Should be fine if centered??/

02-21-2012, 11:41 AM
just strap 'er in!
very common, works great

02-21-2012, 07:12 PM
what is your pick up? We run a srw f350 with a 7.3 diesel and have a 425 tank in the back. creaks and shimmys when full, but otherwise all good....

02-29-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm using one in my 1/2 ton truck i hope it works

Bucket Head
02-29-2012, 04:28 PM
I use a cage tank in my F-350 and it does fine. However, I'm thinking anything with a lower GVWR is really going to "feel it" if you know what I mean. I do know some of the heavy duty three quarter ton trucks could do it, but the lighter duty ones and the half ton trucks are going to be greatly overloaded, which is not good, nor safe. Maybe try not filling it right up- make two trips if you have to? A gallon of sap (or water) weighs 8 lbs. and a ton is 2000 lbs.- so know what your truck is rated for, do the math with whatever size tank you have and go from there. Just remember that fixing broken leaf springs, spring hangers, shackles, burned out clutches/automatic trans., and brakes will not be cheap. And accidents caused from not being able to stop at the bottom of the hill will be harder to swallow than the repairs listed above.


maple flats
02-29-2012, 05:03 PM
Bucket is right. I hauled 165 gal in a 1500 and it was at the max, both legally and for good control and safety. A caged tote at 250 gal is just too much. On the other hand I now have a 2500 with the 7.3 L diesel and it doesn't touch the helper springs until it has 250 gal in it. I use a 275 gal caged tank. In a few days I'll also be pulling my 165 gal on a trailer behind the 2500.
My plans for next year are to get a 6 or 7 ton gooseneck equipment trailer (will also haul my excavator) and put 3 or 4 caged tanks on it.

02-29-2012, 06:48 PM
It depends on how far you have to go. I have a 275 gallon tote in back of a 1/4 ton toyota. It doesnt leave the farm. So its ok. The springs dont even bottom out with the tank is full. Its safer with a full tank than half full because it doesnt slosh around. I wouldnt recomend this for the roads but it works great for me.

03-02-2012, 01:01 PM
We're going on 20+ years of a 325 gallon tank in the back of a 1/2 ton. We've done Dodges, Fords & Chevys. We've always had "helper" springs installed. In addition, on a good run, we pull a trailer with another 325 gallon tank. Our current "sugarin" truck is a '96 Chevy. Haven't had any problems with brakes, transmissions, springs, etc. Never thought about the legality of it all. Ooops. The furthest we go with it loaded is about 5-6 miles and we never exceed 35 mph or so. Not the ideal set-up but we don't make enough money sugarin to buy a 3/4 ton. So, to answer your question, yes, if you're smart with it and if you've added helper springs, a full sized pickup should be able to handle a 250 gallon cage tank.

03-03-2012, 02:45 PM
We run 2 275 gallon totes on a trailer rated for 1K more weight. Works great. As Farmboy can attest, here in MA the state police would be up in your business in a heartbeat if you are hauling too much. Can't run a full 275 tote in pickup (210 F250) either, too heavy even with helper springs.