View Full Version : new to r.o.

alltapped out
02-19-2012, 10:22 AM
I bought my first r.o. G ang D 600 gallon per hour. It didn't come with instruction catalog, but I am starting to figure it out. The question I am looking for advice on is I have to plumb in the chemical mixing tank to the R.O. which I either have to run valves and hose to different areas or I can route the hose manualy each time I go through a different process. Any suggestions would be appreciated ?

02-20-2012, 05:40 AM
I plumbed my RO using the diagram in this manual http://equipementsderabliere.elapierre.com/down/201.pdf. If the link doesn't work google Lapierre turbo ro. Made up my valve panel with 3 way valves from Graingers.