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maple flats
02-19-2012, 06:14 AM
I'm in the preliminary stages of planning a new sugarhouse (maybe for 2014 season) My wife said yesterday "maybe we need a new, larger sugarhouse", That statement shocked me, she caught me totally off guard. I agree but the fact that she voiced it before me was unusual to say the least.
Now I need to plan. I'm still thinking that I won't out grow my 3x8, but besides getting a 500 gal RO to upgrade from my 250, most equipment will remain about the same size We just need more space. I have a 16 x 24 and I'm thinking maybe a 24 x 36. The current sugarhouse will remain for storage so I need to chose a location on the same property. I've also got to chose the site with the fact in mind that we plan to build a home on the site too. My first thought is in the woods across from the current sugarhouse. I'd need to clear a spot and haul lots of gravel, because that location is quite low, it can however be properly drained, but it might well be our best choice.
I'll just be getting ideas for a few months before I start my design phase.
We do want more kitchen space, more storage, a larger canning area and much more room to just move around and demo to guests. I think I'll also have wood storage under cover adjacent to the sugarhouse and likely a leanto shelter for sap tanks to keep them in the shade.
Wow, will my dreams never end? I guess this IS what helps keep me going.

02-19-2012, 07:19 AM
Hey Dave - Sounds like you have a great place there. I'm planning to upgrade to a 16 x 24 this summer, but after reading your post I'm wondering if I should make it larger. How restricted are you with your current setup? I don't ever plan on having more than 1000 taps and a 250 RO with a small bottling area. Thanks - Bryan

maple flats
02-19-2012, 07:38 AM
Generally it doesn't seem to be the # of taps but the equipment you will end up with. I am quite crowded but it is still workable until we have an open house. I have counters covering 26' of my perimeter and I seem to use all of the space. I have a 6 x 3.5' RO room in one corner. Then I keep a 4' wide wood rack in front of the evaporator. Just inside the man door is a 6' shelving of product ready to sell. In the last corner is my filter press, my canner and my finisher. The evaporator site in the center and a bottling rack has to be rolled from one place to another to get by. The only outside wall not utilized are the 2 doors, one at 36" wide and in front of the evaporator is a 5.5' wide double door, where wood is brought in and any large equipment enters. I have too little space the way I like it set up and I'd rather not remove any counter space for more floor space.

02-19-2012, 08:00 AM
Thanks for the info. Workable but crowded isn't what I'm after either. You've been very helpful. Thanks.

happy thoughts
02-19-2012, 08:21 AM
Hey Dave, speaking on behalf of your wife it sounds like she's a keeper.... and deserves something really nice!... and very expensive!:cool:

Good luck. I know you're both going to enjoy the larger quarters. When you're done can you drop off your old sugar shack at my house?:)

Clarkfield Farms
02-19-2012, 07:30 PM
Congrats, Dave! That's great news. If I can be of help, holler!

happy thoughts, she sure is a keeper! Great cook, gardener, wife, mom and grandma. And she IS getting something expensive - the new sugar house! lol!

oh, and btw, I'm sorry but I'm a lot closer to Dave's old sugar house than you are, so.... nah, j/k, it'll still be standing there for another hundred years. Soundly built. By Dave!