View Full Version : Dumb question-how deep do I make the sap in the pan?

Zachary Hoyt
02-17-2012, 10:48 AM
I am new to an evaporator, I got a 2x4 homemade last fall after boiling in a steam table pan over an open fire. The pan has one divider that makes it about 2/3-1/3. How much sap should I put in the pan to start and how much should I keep in it as I am boiling with a wood fire, no blower? I have read that less than 1.5" of depth is prone to burn, and i assume that I need to leave some room so it doesn't boil over the edges. With a 2 part pan how do I use it, I must start with sap in both pans but then do I ladle concentrated sap from the big pan to the small one or do it in some other way? Any advice will be very much appreciated.

02-17-2012, 12:40 PM
You're probably OK at 1.5" for your setup because you're not drawings off very much per hour but if that worries you going to 2" won't significantly affect your boiling rate.

02-17-2012, 12:57 PM
Zach - See if I understand - You have a 2'x4' Pan - One divider and the two sections are not inter-connected - is that right? Ok - I would treat it like a batch pan with a sap preheat section. Start with about 3 inches in both sections and when you get down to about 1 1/2 to two inches in both - scoop some form the large section to the small section. Use the small section for your almost syrup section and the large section for the sap heating section - Just keep repeating the process - add sap to the sap section and when the syrup section gets to about 1 1/2 inches scoop some more hot sap in. Eventually the syrup section in going to have some almost syrup in it - check it with a syrup hydrometer to see where you are at. When You get to almost ayrup acoop it off to another pan and finish in that. That will be the tricky part - getting the syrup out and not scorching the syrup section - leave some behind and add hot sap to it to prevent scorching. You will get on to it. You know about foaming? to add a little defoamer or butter etc. if it should foam up while boiling. You already have the right idea as what to do and I'm pretty much repeating you. No question is dumb - Dumb is when you don't know and don't ask ---- best of Luck.

02-17-2012, 02:39 PM
It's actually a very good question. I started out 40 years ago with essentially the exact same setup as you and ran they Waaaay tooo deep. I was going to reply in detail, but Ausable's advice is exactly how I would do it.

Get some defoamer, but with a flat pan (no flues) you will rarely have to use it.

Zachary Hoyt
02-17-2012, 05:22 PM
Thank you all very much, that is just what I needed to know. There is a pipe soldered into both parts of the pan with a valve in it so I could use that sometimes to transfer, maybe. There is also a draw-off in the opposite side of the small pan, again with a valve. I am thinking that when I get to almost syrup I could use the draw-off and open the other valve at the same time and move it out that way. Speaking of ladling, I am curious if you use a regular hemispherical soup ladle or if there is some sort of flatter squarer device that makes it easier in pans with shallow depths and square corners? Thanks a lot for the help.