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View Full Version : Tubing Cleaner Manifold

02-17-2012, 10:21 AM
Hey guys I was looking through my catalog and noticed a manifold (PVC) that you connect presurized water, compressed air and the other end to you tubing to "scrub" the tubing while it is still up. has anyone made something like this, if so can you post pictures

02-19-2012, 08:40 PM
Here is the one I made. Water supply and compressed air in one end. Check valves in the middle. Tee'd together and reduced to the flexible copper tubing. 5/16" sap tubing fits over the copper. Plug all the spiles into the tee plugs, then pull one off at a time. Wear lots of rain gear. No poodles got wet in the cleaning of this tubing!


02-21-2012, 08:25 AM
That looks like it would do the job. does it work good?