View Full Version : Does anyone have any significant syrup production yet??

02-16-2012, 07:02 AM
Does anyone have any significant syrup production to report for 2012?

Is anyone at 10% of their expected full crop yet?

Thanks in advance.

Cake O' Maple
02-16-2012, 09:34 AM
I wouldn't have called it significant until you mentioned 10% of expected production--but I've made just shy of 2 gallons of syrup from sap collected in January and the first few days in February, and I hope to make 18-20 gallons this season. So I'm at 10%.

It's been running here again, w/ good sap forecasts for the next week, so I'll be boiling again as soon as I can spare a minute from work. :D Have ice in all my storage.

02-23-2012, 08:52 PM
We are in Dunbarton, NH 500 taps and finished tapping 2/11/12. As of today we are about 30% (30 gallons)of our syrup expectations for the year (100 gallons).

02-23-2012, 09:45 PM
thanks for the input. Things still seem real slow up here in the littleton area. I am planning on tapping just before the next warmup.

Vermont Creation Hardwood
02-24-2012, 03:54 AM
I've had only two small runs, two gallons of syrup. Nice syrup, fancy. Hope I'm not yet at 10%. But I'm four miles from the Canadian border, so it's still early.

02-24-2012, 04:50 AM
Although I sell my sap, had I boiled it based on the sugar content I would have made 240 gallons so far. I feel that is about 10% of what I am hoping for. I look at all this Feb sap as bonus. The next week is going to be cold and than after that the real sugaring will start.


02-24-2012, 05:35 AM
I put in 600 taps along the Gale river in Sugar Hill. Started on Tues. had a few wet holes. Wednesday it ran a little better and it ran all night as it never got below freezing Wednesday night. Yesterday was no gusher by any means. I've got some critter damage to fix today and get the rest in. Still have to get my vac hooked up. Should be all set for the next run.