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02-14-2012, 05:47 PM
does anyone have a homemade filter setup (or ideas for one) , im a very small sugar maker, but am trying to make it as easy as possible.... I order a cone filter and am wondering if i should have gotten pre filters, although i dont know what there for exactly


Thompson's Tree Farm
02-14-2012, 05:50 PM
pre filters get the worst of the gunk out before it gets to the cone filter so you can filter more syrup before your filter plugs up. We used to use a 3 foot square piece of unbleached muslin cloth instead of commercial pre filters.

buckeye gold
02-14-2012, 06:49 PM
Oh you definitely want prefilters. You can run your almost syrup through one and get the worse of the gunk out and then finish and filter your syrup. Still you want a prefilter over your finish filter. Your about to totally plug up your filter and pull your hair out if you try to go without prefilters.

Brian Kloepfer
02-15-2012, 08:27 AM
I use a prefilter before it is syrup and a prefilter in my cone filter that hangs an a stand above my coffee urn that I use for bottling. Good luck to you and have fun.

02-15-2012, 02:33 PM
Use prefilters. I have a flat synthetic filter I use and it filters into a pot then I bottle with that pot. Also filter your sap very good. It seems that filtering is faster since I started filtering my sap with an inline filter.

02-15-2012, 09:12 PM
i order some from Leader today, how many do you put in the cone filter?

sugar ED
02-16-2012, 12:23 AM
i order some from Leader today, how many do you put in the cone filter?
CTsugarMan ,most of the time I put 6 to 8 inside ,and remove one at a time, when top one starts getting near the top ,fold away from drawoff valve spout ( so next filter can start filtering) and drain ,place in plastic bag to be rinced/washed for next boil .
But all depens on how much ur boiling down and the sugar sand amount (most the time I use 1 filter two every 1 to 2 gals syrup drawn off )