View Full Version : Steam Hoods & Preheaters

11-23-2003, 08:34 AM
I know there has been discussion on this before but it was back along time ago.[Alot of water has gone under the bridge since then!] I got some pictures of a hood & preheater but would like some more & some other ideas.We have got a 2X6 Small Bros with between 500-600 taps on Surge vac system.Last year wasn't a very good year here so we got away without a hood.If we don't do something this year we will be flooded.If you guys could send me pictures it would be greatly appreciated.


11-23-2003, 04:36 PM

With a 2x6, you will be swamped with that many taps if this year is normal. You may want to look into something that has a preheater inside the hood or even a steamaway. Sure would be nice to use the steam to help speed things along instead of wasting it. I don't have any pics to send you but good luck with whatever you decide! :D :D

It sounds like you will have syrup running out your ears. You could easily have over 200 gallon of syrup with that many taps on vaccumm! :D :cry: :oops: