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View Full Version : to vent or not?and a few others

02-13-2012, 03:55 PM
in a gravity system should i vent or not?if so how often/far apart?is there such a thing as to much grade/slope?allso what is the max number of taps on 5/16 tubeing and the max length you can run of 5/16??? is say 150 feet of 5/16 with 8 mature trees 3 taps per tree to much?

02-13-2012, 04:00 PM
No you never vent tubing, it can't be too steep and if its steep you'll probably be fine with 24 taps, it'll help create natural vacuum. If however you ever plan on putting vacuum on your system then you don't want to do it that way....

red maples
02-13-2012, 04:44 PM
No vent as the sap travels down the tubing it will create a natural vacuum sucking sap out of the tree. no vent!

02-13-2012, 08:55 PM
If there is frozen sap in the tubing and it is with minimum sags in it on a 125' run with 10 taps with a good pitch 10' drop over the run is this normal with a 16 degree night,or should it of drained out by itself?

Rossell's Sugar Camp
02-13-2012, 09:33 PM
There will likely be frozen sap left in the lines. But dont sweat it. By pulling the taps (venting) you are just introducing bacteria to the system. My lines lay full sometimes. I have 2 miles of tubing. I would drive myself crazy if i was going to do that. Bottom line there is something else you could use your time for.

02-14-2012, 04:13 PM
Thanks things flowed good today sugar% still low like 1.5