View Full Version : RO Room Heater

Amber Gold
02-13-2012, 12:41 PM
I built a small, 5'x6', well insulated room for the RO machine. I bought a space heater (http://www.lowes.com/pd_42722-47166-73610_4294765336_4294937087_?productId=3471091&Ns=p_product_prd_lis_ord_nbr|0||p_product_qty_sale s_dollar|1&pl=1&currentURL=%2Fpl_Space%2BHeaters%2BKerosene%2BHeat ers_4294765336_4294937087_%3FNs%3Dp_product_prd_li s_ord_nbr%7C0%7C%7Cp_product_qty_sales_dollar%7C1&facetInfo=) for it, but the lowest setting on the thermostat maintains 73F in the room, which is too high. The one I was using last year was too big and my wife confiscated it for the house. What are others using for a heater?

02-13-2012, 12:47 PM
Try what they call a milk house heater,[ small elec. heater] and plug into a port. therm. set at your desired temp. heater will keep room at set temp.

Amber Gold
02-13-2012, 01:28 PM
Do you mean something like this? Good idea.


02-13-2012, 03:31 PM
I have a small electric ceramic heater cost about $20 from lowes. keeps the ro shed 50 degrees.Feature Comforts Ceramic Compact Personal Electric Space Heater is what's it called. I have a 6x10 insulated shed with the RO, shallow well pump, and hot water heater. little heater does the job.

Amber Gold
02-13-2012, 03:35 PM
I have the same one. Thermostat must be off or something.

jd maple
02-13-2012, 05:49 PM
The problem with thermostats like the one you probably have on your residential heater is the scale is for your comfort not to keep room temps to low. What we use it control a heater in these places is a commercial fridge stat. that the scale suites your temp needs.

02-13-2012, 08:00 PM
Do you mean something like this? Good idea.


That should work.

02-13-2012, 08:08 PM
my local tractor supply store has thoses Thermostatically Controlled Outlets in stock..fyi

Snow Hill Farm
02-13-2012, 08:42 PM
I have a small space heater plugged into a temperature sensor set to 40. When temp. gets to 40 power comes on and heater runs until it is over 40 and shuts off. Also have a sensor wire that runs to a battery powered red light in the window that comes on if temp gets down to 35 for emergencies.

Sunday Rock Maple
02-13-2012, 09:45 PM
Space heater and an infrared lamp (heater alone was too little for 20 below).

Amber Gold
02-15-2012, 07:43 AM
Figured it out...if you get it off the floor, the thermostat works great. Now it's sitting on my shelf. I think I may buy one of those thermostat plugs...same level as the pumps and want to make sure they don't freeze. Thanks for the help.

02-15-2012, 08:48 PM
Josh - is the floor insulated ?? There are Home Depot products up here with a name like DryDeck.
They are about 3/4" waferboard 2 x 2 squares that fit to each other tongue and grove and have
plastic bottoms with dimples that create an air gap under them about 1/4". Cut to fit the room with a table saw.
Pretty durable and not very expensive for the area of an RO room. They make a pretty big difference in
our basement too !

Amber Gold
02-16-2012, 08:20 AM
Never heard of it, but sounds interesting and will check it out. I had the floor insulated, but no plywood backing, so it all fell down and I pulled out over the summer.

02-16-2012, 08:38 AM
here's a link to the Dry-Core product
$ 7. a section up here, likely less in the USA
Might do the job for $50.

I just noticed they have a new product
same top as the one above but with styrofoam insulation underneat.
I just might run down to HD right now and get a few peices of this. Going to set up the RO today.