View Full Version : Filter in oven? Wool or synthetic filter?

Cake O' Maple
02-13-2012, 03:21 AM
Dang, I have a long day tomorrow, and I can't sleep.

Is there any reason I wouldn't want to clip a flat filter to a hotel pan and put it in a 180/185 degree oven to do it's thing after finishing the syrup, then remove the filter and bottle into bottles kept warm in another oven?

I'm thinking the warm oven would keep the syrup at temp as well as the warmth helping it filter faster.

If I filter into a hotel pan, do I need to support the filter beneath it at all? I'm thinking of clipping it in place with binder clips (the black ones from office supply places).

Debating on buying a yard of 100% wool felt, or synthetic felt. Was going to go with 100% wool until I read stories of bits of fuzz getting into the syrup. Opinions? Stories? Am waaayyy over budget already, and have 40% off coupon for Joann's. (Just FYI, until recently, was only planning on letting syrup settle while sealed in 1/2 gallon mason jars, then siphon and reheat to re-bottle.)

I have a regular oven, as well as a wall oven. I know a full-size hotel pan fits in my regular oven, and can borrow a full-size hotel pan.


Pls help this newbie think this thru.

02-13-2012, 06:25 AM
Hello Beth. I actually filter my syrup right off of the turkey fryer. I first filter it off of the evaporator as I am drawing throughout the boil, into http://andersonsmaplesyrup.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=85&products_id=928, now there is probably an less expensive way for you to do this…perhaps a stainless colander set on top of the finishing pan (turkery fryer) with the filter and PREFILTERS (very important!) You didn't mention prefilters, they will save you ALOT of aggrevation while filtering as they clog up fairly quickly. Once the top prefilter clogs, you simply pull it out to start filtering into layer #2 preflter and on and on. WOrks like a charm. Also, it is very important that the filters are damp, or nothing will go through them. As far as buying wool at JoAnne, I don't know if I'd recommend that as there could be fabric stabilizer or something like that in there. A Maple supply place sells their wool felt and prefilters fairly inexpensive. Also you mentioned putting your syrup through a filter into a hotel pan, Could work, definitely clip in up on the top, if it was sitting down in the syrup, I don't think it would ever finish going through. Also, not sure about the oven thing, It could work, but would be best if you had a second hotel pan under the pan of syrup with hot water, kind of a "water jacket" so to speak.

Now here is what I do, it's fairly simple. I pull off of the evaporator at "almost" syrup into my filter basket lined with a damp filter and 3 or 4 minimum prefilters. into my turkery fryer pot. I draw off throughout the day. When I am done drawing off, i let the evaporator cool down, flood my pan with sap.(don't want to burn the pan)
When I am done drawing off I fire up the turkey fryer, and finish it there. Now in the mean time, I have a large canning pot with the washed bottles in, heating up (there is no reason that your oven might not work for this) also a new never used for coffee, 30 cup stainless percolator.I use a candy thermometer in the coffee pot to be sure that the water used to preheat it is up to temp, dump the water I filter again into the coffee pot and fill my hot bottles with the 185* syrup.
I hope this helps you visualize how I do it, and that I was helpful. It is only my second year, and I am by no means an expert, just trying to help.