View Full Version : Low sugar content in sap
02-09-2012, 07:38 PM
Most years we get about 2% sap; this year, it started low (1.7%) and has gotten lower this week. Today's sap measure 1.4%. Thank goodness for my RO, or it might not be worth the trouble.
Here's hoping that the cold snap this weekend is a signal to the trees to let the sugars flow.
02-09-2012, 07:57 PM
i have the same, and am thankful for my ro this year! 1.2 sugar was what i had early this week, usualy we run about 1.6 to 1.8 here, alot of red maples, but an area i tap of all sugars was only 1.4 when i checked it, and they are mostly trees with big crowns etc. i have noticed the syrup seems to have a not full maple flavor, i wouldnt say an off flavor, but not the full maple flavor we usualy have. At first i suspected my new ro was the change, but then another producer i talked to in torrington said the same thing and he hasnt made any changes in his operation and doesnt have an ro either.
Gary R
02-09-2012, 08:06 PM
How lucky you guys are:lol: I'm at 1% and no RO. 95% reds. It sure is taking a lot of sap to make any syrup.
02-09-2012, 08:15 PM
Yup lotsa sap to make a gal syrup, i went thru 900 gal sap the other day and ended up with 13 gal syrup, 70 to 1 ratio, glad i have the ro for sure! im worried about the buds too, they all are swelling bad, reds and sugars, hope its not gona be buddy soon, maybe the super cold next few days will keep them in check
Starting Small
02-09-2012, 08:24 PM
Have you guys noticed the amount of sap to be low also? I keep anticipating a big flow with these picture perfect days and just seem to be disappointed when I check the buckets. Averaging maybe a quarter gallon per tap per day on the high side. Some taps are giving almost nothing and I tapped all sugars. I am wondering now if I should have waited.
02-09-2012, 08:28 PM
i am getting decent volume, some days are a short run tho since its still early, they trees often dont flow till noon and freeze up as soon as the sun goes down
02-10-2012, 06:46 PM
Some of our trees just keep on giving. Usually the ones the sun hits in the morning. Put some bags out a couple of days ago on some old maples and went up there today to collect. Wow 2 to 3 gallons a tap.
Starting Small
02-10-2012, 06:53 PM
To say I am jealous would be an understatement. We tapped on Sunday and out of 25 taps received only 18 gallons total in 5 days!
Gary R
02-10-2012, 07:54 PM
Markct, that's what I'm experiencing also. Late thaws, early freeze. But hey, even if we're squeezing out .5 gal. per tap, it's still sap. Heck I wasn't even thinking about tapping at this time last year. By the way, how's that pump running? I got a bad one last season. I totaled it by the end of the season. I just got another one today. If this doesn't work I may buy a new one from drillspot.
02-10-2012, 08:14 PM
Gary which pump is it your refering to? the vac pump? or the filter press pump, or sap pump? trying to recall if one was discussed in a prior discusion! i got so many pumps and plumbing they all blur into one at times!
Gary R
02-11-2012, 07:03 PM
The vac pump. I think you got that off of Ebay? Sorry for getting off track.
02-13-2012, 06:03 AM
I tap all reds in Salem and I am seeing the same things. The sap hydrometer doesn't even register like usual, and the trees have just not been giving much even on the days when you expect it to be flowing great. Have put 250 gal through the 2x6 so far and still haven't drawn off, but it is getting close.
Also, the buds on the reds are sure getting plump and standing out more than enough to scare me..
Tanta K
02-17-2012, 09:21 PM
I am purposely finishing off this weeks draw tomorrow as I did with last week's. Then next week I'll do anther and maybe the first week of March one more. My intent is to finish each of the four weeks in seperate bathces and look at them in a glass mason jar for myself to see how much the color differs. We may be small but we can keep on learning! Especially since we'll teach close to 700 this year! And refer many of them to YOUR open houses and sugaring operations!
02-20-2012, 10:39 AM
We had only 1.2% sugar content on our 1st batch yesterday. Last year was more like 3! Huge difference, hope things improve.
Cranberry Hill Farm
02-23-2012, 05:04 PM
Got my taps in real late - 100 buckets. Gathered today for the first time, put about 80 gallons in the bulk tank. Tested some trees with a refractometer as we tapped. Lowest was one tree at 1.9%, highest was 3.4%. All of the rest were between 2.4% and 3.0% I'd like to think that this is the result of years of intensive TSI and skidding the logs with oxen and horses.
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