View Full Version : New Hampshire, used poly 55 gal barrels??

02-08-2012, 08:51 AM
Hey I have been looking around on Craigslist and such, but does anyone from NH know a good place to get 55 gallon food grade barrels?

red maples
02-08-2012, 09:18 AM
Well 2 places that I know of but it might be a bit of a hike for you. there is the barrel guy in I think he is just a bit north of northwood maybe in northwood??? maybe on more on the gilmanton boarder??? I am not sure you can ask Dill he lives over there. and there is magnason farm on 125 in kingston, nh they have barrels he has a pretty big inventory of them, I think right now he has some 250 galon caged poly tanks as well. usually all different kinds that were used for a vareity of food items. they are about $20 a piece for the 55 gals.

02-08-2012, 09:26 AM
The Barrel Guy! I acutally have no idea what he calls himself, or what the prices are this year. He's on Rt4 between Rt 43/9 and Rt 152. Probably 45 minutes from Warner. Clarks grain store has had barrels for sale, their price is higher and you might want to ask at the Barn Store.

red maples
02-08-2012, 12:27 PM
thanks dill I knew he was up there somewhere.

02-10-2012, 07:20 AM
Hey thanks guys. I got the last two at the barn store. I'm headed over to check them out today. only $19 or $20 new.

02-10-2012, 10:41 PM
Bascoms almost always has them for 20 bucks, some are open head, some closed head, all dif colors, take your pick!

02-10-2012, 10:43 PM
theres a guy in loudon that sells tanks from 14-330 gallon drums/tanks. all different prices/types. he has ads on craigslist. i just to 2 for 10 each from my friends uncle. real good deal.


02-15-2012, 04:00 PM
So I got four 55 gal drums from the barn store. when i got home i found out they are used.... my problem is i cant get the smell out!!! three of them had some lemon stuff in them and the other had some sort of cream. I have gone through a gallon and a half of bleach and even some dish soap.

Any hints on how to get rid of the smell? or if I should go get more drums somewhere? If i pick new ones up... what contents are easy to wash out?

02-15-2012, 05:48 PM
I bought Worcestershire barrels, and then found out I couldn't get the smell out. I put them back on Craigslist and luckily got my money back out of them.
Then I bought barrels that orignially had vegtable oil in them and they were steam cleaned. They smell wonderfully like nothing.
Good luck.

fresh spout
02-15-2012, 10:19 PM
at the end of the day, we are all selling flavor, so why take the chance and cut corners to buy a cheap used barrel. some times to make money it means to spend money. In the long run, it is a cheap investment. all it takes is for one guy to start giving away or worse yet start selling syrup that has an off flavor because of how their sap was stored and before you know it the market gets a bad rap. Just my two cents, but I think it is probably worth alot more!